
I have the following situation I am am stuck. I have an entity called ContactAssociation which has(among others) the properties Client and a Contact. I have to get all the Contacts for a Client that fulfill some condintions. The conditions are: Each Client has property BusinessEntities which is a collection of BusinessEntity, each BusinessEntity has a BusinessLevel. This is the code, I am sure will make this more understandable:

link.Session.QueryOver<ContactAssociation>(() => ca)
                                       //.Fetch(asoc => asoc.Client)
                                       .JoinAlias(() => ca.Client, ()=> client)

.Left.JoinQueryOver<BuEntry>(() => client.BuEntries, () => be)
                                       .Where(() => client.ID == clientKey)
                                       .Where(() =>    be.BuLevel.LevelNo > buLevel);

Ok so I wrote the thing like this and I keep getting an error that the property BuLevel.LevelNo cannot be found But it is there in the model

I tried criteria but I saw the same error only it was in NHProfiler instead of Visual Studio and there was a more cryptic error in Visual Studio. Anyway ... I eventually solved the problem with a sql query but how should I write the QueryOver and/or Criteria to get the proper results?

Thank you in advance


Here is my SQL Query:

 careTeamMembers = link.Session.CreateSQLQuery(@"select c.* from ContactAssociation ca
                                inner join Contact c
                                on ca.contactkey = c.contactkey
                                left join ContactBu cb
                                on cb.contactkey = c.contactkey
                                left join BuEntry be
                                on cb.entrykey = be.entrykey
                                left join BuLevel bl
                                on be.levelkey = bl.levelkey
                                where ca.clientkey = :clientkey
                                and bl.levelno > :level")
            .SetInt32("clientkey", clientKey)
            .SetInt32("level", buLevel)
도움이 되었습니까?


You're missing a join on BULevel

link.Session.QueryOver<ContactAssociation>(() => ca)
                                       //.Fetch(asoc => asoc.Client)
                                       .JoinAlias(() => ca.Client, ()=> client)

.Left.JoinQueryOver<BuEntry>(() => client.BuEntries, () => be)
                                       .Where(() => client.ID == clientKey)
                                       .JoinQueryOver<BuLevel>(() => be.BuLevel)
                                       .Where(bu => bu.LevelNo > buLevel);
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