
I want to define a boost fusion::vector in my class with the size defined by a template parameter. ATM I'm doing this with a specialization of a helper class, but I think there should be a way to do this with boost mpl/fusion or something else in just one line.

namespace detail
    template<int dim, typename T>
    struct DimensionTupleSize
    { };
    template <typename T>
    struct DimensionTupleSize<1>
        enum { Dimension = 1 }
        typedef boost::fusion::vector<T> type;
    template <typename T>
    struct DimensionTupleSize<2>
        enum { Dimension = 2 }
        typedef boost::fusion::vector<T, T> type;
    template <typename T>
    struct DimensionTupleSize<3>
        enum { Dimension = 3 }
        typedef boost::fusion::vector<T, T, T> type;

template<int Dim = 2>
class QuadTreeLevel
    detail::DimensionTupleSize<Dim>::type tpl;

Any ideas?

도움이 되었습니까?


You can do it recursively :

template<int N, class T> struct DimensionTupleSizeImpl
  typedef typename DimensionTupleSizeImpl<N-1,T>::type                   base;
  typedef typename boost::fusion::result_of::push_back<base,T>::type type;

template<class T> struct DimensionTupleSizeImpl<0,T>
  typedef boost::fusion::vector<> type;

template<int N, class T>
struct  DimensionTupleSize
      : boost::fusion::result_of::
        as_vector<typename DimensionTupleSizeImpl<N,T>::type>

다른 팁

If you really want a tuple rather than an array, and you're simply looking for the most succinct solution..,

#include <boost/array.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/boost_array.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/as_vector.hpp>

template<std::size_t DimN, typename T>
struct DimensionTupleSize : boost::fusion::result_of::as_vector<
    boost::array<T, DimN>
{ };

You could use this:

template<int N, typename T>
struct create_tuple
    template<int i, int n, typename ...U>
    struct creator;

    template<typename ...U>
    struct creator<N,N, U...>
        typedef boost::fusion::vector<U...> type;
    template<int i, typename ...U>
    struct creator<i, N,T, U...>
        typedef typename creator<i+1,N,T,U...>::type type;
    typedef typename creator<1,N,T>::type type;

template<int N, class T>
struct  DimensionTupleSize
    typedef typename create_tuple<N,T>::type type;
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