
I've been following the guide over at http://www.codeproject.com/KB/IP/sharppcap.aspx for implementing a simple packet sniffer to automate authentications for me, I've managed to get to the Filtering section, and have had to make some adjustments to the tutorial code so far for it to work, but I am now stumped.

The error I am receiving is;

The best overloaded method match for 'PacketDotNet.TcpPacket.GetEncapsulated(PacketDotNet.Packet)' has some invalid arguments

Argument 1: cannot convert from 'SharpPcap.RawCapture' to 'PacketDotNet.Packet'

But I've yet to make any references to PacketDotNet my self (everything so far has been SharpPcap).

Entire code I have so far is included, the problem is in the device_OnPacketArrival() function.

 using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.Linq;
 using System.Text;
 using PacketDotNet;
 using SharpPcap;

 namespace ConsoleApplication1
     class Program
         static void Main(string[] args)
             string ver = SharpPcap.Version.VersionString;
             Console.WriteLine("SharpPcap {0}, Example1.IfList.cs", ver);

             // Retrieve the device list
             CaptureDeviceList devices = CaptureDeviceList.Instance;

             // If no devices were found print an error
             if (devices.Count < 1)
                 Console.WriteLine("No devices were found on this machine");

             // Extract a device from the list
             ICaptureDevice device = devices[0];

             // Register our handler function to the
             // 'packet arrival' event
             device.OnPacketArrival +=
                 new SharpPcap.PacketArrivalEventHandler(device_OnPacketArrival);

             // Open the device for capturing
             int readTimeoutMilliseconds = 1000;
             device.Open(DeviceMode.Promiscuous, readTimeoutMilliseconds);

             // tcpdump filter to capture only TCP/IP packets
             string filter = "ip and tcp";
             device.Filter = filter;

             Console.WriteLine("-- The following tcpdump filter will be applied: \"{0}\"",
             Console.WriteLine("-- Listening on {0}, hit 'Enter' to stop...",

             // Start capturing packets indefinitely

             // Close the pcap device
             // (Note: this line will never be called since
             // we're capturing indefinitely
         private static void device_OnPacketArrival(object sender, CaptureEventArgs e)
             var tcp = TcpPacket.GetEncapsulated(e.Packet);
도움이 되었습니까?


A SharpPcap.RawPacket is used to hold the raw data captured over the network adapter but PacketDotNet needs the packet parsed before the GetEncapsulated() methods will work. The step you need will look like:

var packet = PacketDotNet.Packet.ParsePacket(rawPacket.LinkLayerType, rawPacket.Data);

Then you can extract the encapsulated TcpPacket via the GetEncapsulated() method by passing it packet.

Example 12 in the SharpPcap source download at https://sourceforge.net/projects/sharppcap/ shows the syntax and how packets can be modified.

Keep in mind that PacketType.GetEncapsulated() is returning a reference to that portion of the packet so modifying it will alter the original packet.

다른 팁

Alternatively, you can use Pcap.Net, which only has one Packet class that you can dynamically parse to get whatever it may contain without doing any packet cast.

You just get a Packet object and do (for example):

uint sequenceNumber = packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Tcp.SequenceNumber;

No need to cast it or know what kind of packet it is in advance, all parsing is done dynamically.

As an update to Chris Morgan's answer (because I find myself doing this today), getEncapsulated() is now obsolete, instead you should use packet.Extract() to extract the encapsulated packet.

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