
I'm struggling to produce the same behavior in web service code that uses Deferred objects as in code that does not. My objective is to write a decorator that will delegate processing of any method (which is decoupled from Twisted) to the Twisted thread pool, so that the reactor is not blocked, without changing any of that method's semantics.

When an instance of class echo below is exposed as a web service, this code:

from twisted.web import server, resource
from twisted.internet import defer, threads
from cgi import escape
from itertools import count

class echo(resource.Resource):
  isLeaf = True
  def errback(self, failure): return failure
  def callback1(self, request, value):
    #raise ValueError  # E1
    lines = ['<html><body>\n',
             '<p>Page view #%s in this session</p>\n' % (value,),
    return ''.join(lines)
  def callback2(self, request, encoding):
    def execute(message):
      #raise ValueError  # E2
      #raise ValueError  # E3
      #raise ValueError  # E4
      return server.NOT_DONE_YET
    return execute
  def render_GET(self, request):
    content_type, encoding = 'text/html', 'UTF-8'
    request.setHeader('Content-Type', '%s; charset=%s' %
        tuple(map(str, (content_type, encoding))))
    s = request.getSession()
    if not hasattr(s, 'counter'):
      s.counter = count(1)
    d = threads.deferToThread(self.callback1, request, s.counter.next())
    d.addCallback(self.callback2(request, encoding))
    #raise ValueError  # E5
    return server.NOT_DONE_YET

will display an HTML document to the browser when all the raise statements are commented out, and display a nicely formatted stack trace (which Twisted does for me) when the raise statement labelled "E5" is included. That is what I want. Likewise, if I do not use Deferred objects at all and place all the behavior from callback1 and callback2 within render_GET(), an exception raised anywhere within render_GET will produce the desired stack trace.

I am trying to write code that will respond to the browser immediately, not cause resource leaks within Twisted, and cause the browser stack trace to also be displayed in the cases where any of the raise statements "E1" to "E3" is included in the deferred code--though of course I understand that the stack traces themselves will be different. (The "E4" case I don't care about as much.) After reading the Twisted documentation and other questions on this site I am unsure how to achieve this. I would have thought that adding an errback should facilitate this, but evidently not. There must be something about Deferred objects and the twisted.web stack that I'm not understanding.

The effects on logging I document here may be affected by my use of the PythonLoggingObserver to bridge Twisted logging to the standard logging module.

When "E1" is included, the browser waits until the reactor is shut down, at which point the ValueError exception with stack trace is logged and the browser receives an empty document.

When "E2" is included, the ValueError exception with stack trace is logged immediately, but the browser waits until the reactor shuts down at which point it receives an empty document.

When "E3" is included, the ValueError exception with stack trace is logged immediately, the browser waits until the reactor shuts down, and at that point receives the intended document.

When raise statement "E4" is included, the intended document is returned to the browser immediately, and the ValueError exception with stack trace is logged immediately. (Is there any possibility of a resource leak in this case?)

도움이 되었습니까?


Ok, after reading your question several times, I think I understand what your asking. I have also reworked you code to make a little better than your original answer. This new answer should show off all the powers of deferred's.

from twisted.web import server, resource
from twisted.internet import defer, threads
from itertools import count

class echo(resource.Resource):
  isLeaf = True
  def errback(self, failure, request):
    failure.printTraceback() # This will print the trace back in a way that looks like a python exception.
    # log.err(failure) # This will use the twisted logger. This is the best method, but
    # you need to import twisted log.

    request.processingFailed(failure) # This will send a trace to the browser and close the request.
    return None #  We have dealt with the failure. Clean it out now.

  def final(self, message, request, encoding): 
    # Message will contain the message returned by callback1
    request.write(message.encode(encoding)) # This will write the message and return it to the browser.

    request.finish() # Done

  def callback1(self, value):
    #raise ValueError  # E1
    lines = ['<html><body>\n',
             '<p>Page view #%s in this session</p>\n' % (value,),
    return ''.join(lines)

    #raise ValueError  # E4

  def render_GET(self, request):
    content_type, encoding = 'text/html', 'UTF-8'
    request.setHeader('Content-Type', '%s; charset=%s' %
        tuple(map(str, (content_type, encoding))))
    s = request.getSession()
    if not hasattr(s, 'counter'):
      s.counter = count(1)
    d = threads.deferToThread(self.callback1, s.counter.next())
    d.addCallback(self.final, request, encoding)
    d.addErrback(self.errback, request) # We put this here in case the encoding raised an exception.
    #raise ValueError  # E5
    return server.NOT_DONE_YET

Also I recommend that you read the krondo tutorial. It will teach you everything you need to know about deferred.


Have modified the code above to fix some silly bugs. Also improved it. If an exception happens anywhere (except in self.errback, but we need some level of trust) then it will be passed to self.errback which will log or print the error in twisted and then send the trace to the browser and close the request. This should stop any resource leaks.

다른 팁

I figured it out by digging through the Twisted source. The necessary insight is that the reactor and Deferred callback/errback chain logic is decoupled from the request object, which is how data gets back to the browser. The errback is necessary, but cannot merely propagate the Failure object down the chain as in the original code I posted. The errback must report the error to the browser.

The below code meets my requirements (never keeps the browser waiting, always gives the stack trace, does not require a reactor restart to get things going again) and will allow me to decorate blocking methods and thereby delegate them to threads to keep the reactor responsive to other events (such methods will essentially take the place of callback1 here). However, I did find that in the below code, uncommenting the "E4" raise statement produces very strange behavior on subsequent browser requests (partial data from previous requests returned to the browser; deadlock).

Hopefully others will find this to be a useful Deferred example.

from twisted.web import server, resource
from twisted.internet import defer, threads
from itertools import count

class echo(resource.Resource):
  isLeaf = True
  def errback(self, request):
    def execute(failure):
      return failure
    return execute
  def callback1(self, value):
    #raise ValueError  # E1
    lines = ['<html><body>\n',
             '<p>Page view #%s in this session</p>\n' % (value,),
    return ''.join(lines)
  def callback2(self, request, encoding):
    def execute(message):
      #raise ValueError  # E2
      #raise ValueError  # E3
      #raise ValueError  # E4
      return server.NOT_DONE_YET
    return execute
  def render_GET(self, request):
    content_type, encoding = 'text/html', 'UTF-8'
    request.setHeader('Content-Type', '%s; charset=%s' %
        tuple(map(str, (content_type, encoding))))
    s = request.getSession()
    if not hasattr(s, 'counter'):
      s.counter = count(1)
    d = threads.deferToThread(self.callback1, s.counter.next())
    eback = self.errback(request)
    d.addCallback(self.callback2(request, encoding))
    #raise ValueError  # E5
    return server.NOT_DONE_YET
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