
For a given point in time, an asset has an effective price. Some assets have a new price once a week, some once a day. The most recent price is the "effective price".

The temporal table that stores the described relationship looks like this:

CREATE TABLE dbo.AssetPrice
    AssetId int NOT NULL -- FK to the table dbo.Asset
    ,EffectiveDate datetime NOT NULL
    ,Price decimal NOT NULL
    CONSTRAINT PK_AssetPrice PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (AssetId,EffectiveDate,Price)

The data looks something like this:

AssetId    EffectiveDate    Price
-------    -------------    -----
      1       2012-01-11     1.21
      1       2012-01-12     1.22
      2       2012-01-11     3.55
      2       2012-01-12     3.60
      3       2012-01-04     5.15
      3       2012-01-11     5.14

To query for the effective price of an AssetId is simple, but it takes a non-trivial amount of time to calculate.

It is ideal to store the data physically, so that only data changes to dbo.AssetPrice requires a recalculation of the effective price. I believe I cannot create an indexed view because the pertinent aggregate functions are not allowed in an indexed view.

How do I tune the table to retrieve the effective price (most recent price) very quickly?

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