
I am new to strut 2 though I have worked on struts 1.2.In one of the pexisting project jsp file I have following code:

<script type="text/javascript">
  var relationshipData = { // line1
    page : '<s:property value="displayPage" />', // line2
    records : '<s:property value="customerRelations.size" />', // line3
    rows : [ <s:iterator value="customerRelations" status="iterStatus"> // line4
      { id : '<s:property value="relationId" />', 
        cell : [ '<s:property value="relationDesc" escapeJavaScript="true" />' ] } <s:if test="!#iterStatus.last">,</s:if> //line5
        </s:iterator>] // line6

Request is coming CustomerRelationAction.java which has method getCustomerRelations() and getRelationId().

here are the questions :-

  1. I put breakpoint inside method getCustomerRelations().i see flow is coming four time inside this method. Two times at line 3 and another two times at line 4. As per my understanding flow should come only 1 time i.e at line 3. Once it completes getCustomerRelations at line 3 , should not put its value in value stack so that it can refer to it nextime it is refered (like it is being reffered at line 14 again)?

  2. getCustomerRelations() method returns the list of CustomerRelationData objects where CustomerRelationData class also contains the getRelationId() method.Now at line 5 we are refering value="relationId at line 5. On Which object(CustomerRelationAction.java or CustomerRelationData), getRelationId() method will be called? even i am not sure will the list object CustomerRelationData will be present on value stack or not?If yes at which line it will be put in value stack?

  3. Now the iterator completes at line 6.After that,now i refer the code <s:property value="relationId" /> again, On Which object(CustomerRelationAction.java or CustomerRelationData), getRelationId() method will be called?

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