
I am trying to write a card shuffler, and I know the method by which I wish to shuffle the cards. However, I am at a loss of the best object-oriented way in which to write it.

The method, a rather common one, is as follows:

  • Assign each a random numeric value, between 0 and 2,147,483,647
  • If there is a duplicate key value (very unlikely), throw away the deck, and start again.
  • Store the cards in a set
  • Order the set by each cards key value

My problem lies in the best OOP way to write this. At first I came up with an object called Card, containing a suit value, a number value and the random key value. Then I would have a class called Deck that extended a HashSet, and I would store each card into the HashSet and then sort it by key value. Where I struggled was, what is the most efficient way to 'generate' the 52 Card objects in the first place, and how to order the set. Would I implement the interface, 'SortedSet', if so, how would I go about writing the comparators?

Quite a broad question, more based on OOP design practices, but I'd like this to be a really smooth and object based solution.




Thanks for the help everyone. My solution was as follows:

  • 2 Enums (CardValues, CardSuits), containing the 4 suits and 13 possible values
  • Card class, that takes as constructor arguments a CardValue and a CardSuit.
  • Deck class that extends a TreeMap

When a new deck is created and shuffled, I loop through the CardSuit Enum and created Cards, then inside that loop, I go through the CardValue Enum. This creates the cards, I then generate a random key and put them in the TreeMap.

As there is always a small chance of key repetition, if the final deck size is not 52, I throw a new InvalidDeckException.

Thanks for the suggestions, I am much happier with this solution.

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