
I've worked for two years in a great Investment Bank.

I made some technical projects with the desire of creating code the most optimized, respecting the adapted good design patterns, SOLID principle, law of demeter and avoiding all sorts of duplicate codes ...

When delivery in production => zero bugs, all has happened as expected.

But, a majority of developers came to me in order to precise that all my code is too complex for reading comprehension. I listened for instance : "make some if and instanceof, forget polymorphism so that it will be very easily to correct emergency production bugs". I didn't prefer to answer ......

Knowing these developers are not curious at all, refusing efforts to understand a good design (for instance, 90% of developers don't know what is a Strategy Pattern and make procedural code and never oo-design because they want, they said, simplicity), my project managers told me that I am really in the wrong way and too idealist for the Bank world.

What would you advise me ? Should I keep desire of really good code or adapt me to majority of developers who are, I repeat it, really not interesting by design code that is according to me, all the beauty of our developer job.

Or in the contrary, should they learn basic OO principles and best-practices to adapt themselves to my code ?

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