
Here's a problem I frequently run into: Let there be a web shop project that has a Product class. I want to add a feature which allows users to post reviews to a product. So I have a Review class which references a product. Now I need a method that lists all reviews to a product. There's two possibilities:


public class Product {
  public Collection<Review> getReviews() {...}


public class Review {
  static public Collection<Review> forProduct( Product product ) {...}

From looking at the code, I'd choose (A): It's not static and it doesn't need a parameter. However, I sense that (A) violates the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) and the Open-Closed Principle (OCP) whereas (B) doesn't:

  • (SRP) When I want to change the way reviews are collected for a product, I have to change the Product class. But there should be only one reason why to change the Product class. And that's certainly not the reviews. If I pack every feature that has something to do with products in Product, it'll soon be clattered.

  • (OCP) I have to change the Product class to extend it with this feature. I think this violates the 'Closed for change' part of the principle. Before I got the customer's request for implementing the reviews, I considered Product as finished, and "closed" it.

What is more important: following the SOLID principles, or having a simpler interface?

Or am I doing something wrong here altogether?


Wow, thanks for all of your great answers! It's hard to pick one as official answer.

Let me summarize the main arguments from the answers:

  • pro (A): OCP is not a law and readability of the code matters as well.
  • pro (A): the entity relationship should be navigable. Both classes may know about this relationship.
  • pro (A)+(B): do both and delegate in (A) to (B) so Product is less likely to be changed again.
  • pro (C): put finder methods into third class (service) where it's not static.
  • contra (B): impedes mocking in tests.

A few additional things my colleges at work contributed:

  • pro (B): our ORM framework can automatically generate the code for (B).
  • pro (A): for technical reasons of our ORM framework, it will be necessary to change the "closed" entity in some cases, independently from where the finder goes to. So I won't always be able to stick to SOLID, anyway.
  • contra (C): to much fuss ;-)


I'm using both (A)+(B) with delegation for my current project. In a service-oriented environment, however, I'll go with (C).

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