
I have something like this:

request.findAllProjects().fire(new ExtReceiver<List<ProjectProxy>>() {

    public void onSuccess(List<ProjectProxy> response) {

It is anonymous inner class of the abstract class ExtReceiver. The ExtReceiver is for handling the errors with an errorHandler which i want to provide.

public abstract class ExtReceiver<T> extends Receiver<T> {

    private ErrorHandler errorHandler;

    public ExtReceiver() {

    public void setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler errorHandler)
        this.errorHandler = errorHandler;

    public abstract void onSuccess(T response);

    public void onFailure(ServerFailure error) {

    public void onViolation(Set<Violation> errors) {


I understand why this can't work, because i use the new Operator. But how could i do something like this. I want to have that anonymous class and not put it in an own file or something. How could I inject that errorHandler? Thought about staticInjections, but it looked like this does not work too (Maybe because of the inheritance i create with doing an anonymous class)

In the opposite to normal Guice i don't know an injector.getInstance() call.

For information: That is a requestFactory call

도움이 되었습니까?


Why don't you put the errorHandler parameter into the constructor of your abstract class instead creating a separate setErrorHandler setter, something like this:

public abstract class ExtReceiver<T> extends Receiver<T> {

    private ErrorHandler errorHandler;

    public ExtReceiver(ErrorHandler errorHandler) {
         this.errorHandler = errorHandler;


Declare the bindings:

public class MyClientModule extends AbstractGinModule {
  protected void configure() {

Declare a Ginjector for your ErrorHandler class annotating it with the Module:

public interface MyErrorHandlerInjector extends Ginjector {
  ErrorHandler getErrorHandler();

and then use it like this:

MyErrorHandlerGinjector injector = GWT.create(MyErrorHandlerGinjector.class);
ErrorHandler errorHandler = injector.getErrorHandler();
request.findAllProjects().fire(new ExtReceiver<List<ProjectProxy>>(errorHandler) {      

        public void onSuccess(List<ProjectProxy> response) {


I think this should work.

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