Why am I given the error “StartTag: Invalid element name” when parsing this XML file with a DTD

StackOverflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9454330

  •  13-11-2019
  •  | 


The document basically has "catalog" as the root tag with child tags of "movie" followed by one or more "actor". Each of these child tags further contains more child tags. I was supposed to make a DTD for this based on some rules given, but it is just rejecting whatever I put at the beginning of the doucment. Any help?

Here is the XML code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>

<!DOCTYPE catalog SYSTEM "catalog.dtd">

    <movie movieID="m0100" genre="drama">
    <title>Monster&apos;s Ball</title>
<length>111 minutes</length>
<topBilledActors actorIDs="a0100 a0102" />

<actor actorID="a0100" oscarWinner="yes">
    <name>Halle Berry</name>
<date>August 14, 1966</date>
<birthplace>Cleveland, Ohio</birthplace>
<role character="Leticia Musgrove" movie="m0100" />
<role character="Storm" movie="m0101" />

<actor actorID="a0102" oscarWinner="yes">
    <name>Billy Bob Thornton</name>
<role character="Hank Grotowski" movie="m0100" />

<movie movieID="m0101" genre="fantasy">
<length>104 minutes</length>
<topBilledActors actorIDs="a0100 a0103" />

<actor actorID="a0103" oscarWinner="no">
    <name>Ian McKellen</name>
<role character="Magneto" movie="m0101" />
<role character="Gandolf" movie="m0105" />
<role character="Gandolf" movie="m0107" />

<movie movieID="m0105" genre="action" earningsRank="17">
    <name>Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring</name>
<length>178 minutes</length>
<topBilledActors actorIDs="a0103" />

<movie movieID="m0107" genre="action" earningsRank="8">
    <name>Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King</name>
<length>201 minutes</length>
<topBilledActors actorIDs="a0103" />

<actor actorID="a0101" oscarWinner="yes">
<name>Tom Hanks</name>
<date>July 9, 1956</date>
<birthplace>Concord, California</birthplace>
<role character="Captain John H. Miller" movie="m0102" />
<role character="Forrest Gump" movie="m0103" />
<role character="Andrew Beckett" movie="m0104" />

<movie movieID="m0102" genre="action" earningsRank="50">
    <name>Saving Private Ryan</name>
<length>170 minutes</length>
<topBilledActors actorIDs="a0101 a0104" />

<actor actorID="a0104" oscarWinner="yes">
    <name>Matt Damon</name>
<date>October 8, 1970</date>
<birthplace>Cambridge, Massachusetts</birthplace>
<role character="Private James Francis Ryan" movie="m0102" />

<movie movieID="m0103" genre="comedy" earningsRank="14">
    <name>Forrest Gump</name>
<length>142 minutes</length>
<topBilledActors actorIDs="a0101 a0105 a0106" />

<actor actorID="a0105" oscarWinner="yes">
    <name>Sally Field</name>
<birthplace>Pasadena, California</birthplace>
<role character="Mrs. Gump" movie="m0103" />

<actor actorID="a0106">
    <name>Gary Sinise</name>
<role character="Lt. Dan Taylor" movie="m0103" />
<role character="Ken Mattingly" movie="m0106" />

<movie movieID="m0104" genre="drama">
<length>125 minutes</length>
<topBilledActors actorIDs="a0101 a0107" />

<movie movieID="m0106" genre="drama">
    <name>Apollo 13</name>
<length>140 minutes</length>
<topBilledActors actorIDs="a0101 a0106" />

<actor actorID="a0107" oscarWinner="yes">
    <name>Denzel Washington</name>
<role character="Joe Miller" movie="m0104" />


Here is the DTD file:

<!ELEMENT catalog (movie, actor+)*>

<!ELEMENT movie (title, year, length, topBilledActors)>
<!ATTLIST movie genre (fantasy |  action | drama | comedy) #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST movie earningsRank CDATA #IMPLIED>

<!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT length (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT topBilledActors EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST topBilledActors ActorIDs IDREFS>

<!ELEMENT actor (name, date*, birthplace*, role+)>
<!ATTLIST actor oscarWinner (yes|no) "no">

<!ELEMENT birthplace (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST role character CDATA>
<!ATTLIST role movie IDREF>

EDIT: I am verifying this with the XML validator at http://www.w3schools.com/xml/xml_validator.asp

My web browser (IE) does not display the file and gives the error:

Required white space was missing. Error processing resource 'file:///C:/Documents and        Settings/Administrator/Desktop/...

 <!ATTLIST topBilledActors ActorIDs IDREFS>
도움이 되었습니까?


I think you need to specify if the attribute is #REQUIRED or #IMPLIED or #FIXED "Default_Value" for your DTD to be valid. You should also have <!DOCTYPE.

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