
I am developing an Codeigniter based website and I need to send emails to people when they are signup up. My server is hosted at Amazon EC2.

I am trying to use their Amazon Simple Email Service and I am using the below library to get that working. I get no error but the sending fails. I am currently in Sandbox mode so I can only send (when it works) to my registered email address but that fails too.

I have configured the library using my AWS credentials. What can be wrong?

This is the library that I am using:


This is my controller code:

        // Load the Library


        // Configure and send email

        $this->amazon_ses->subject('Open me!');
        $this->amazon_ses->message('<strong>Use HTML</strong>');

        if ($this->amazon_ses->send()) {

            echo "Successfully sent!";

        } else {

            echo "Failure!";


도움이 되었습니까?



That debug-line should be used before calling ...->send(), try this and check what AmazonSES answers:

$this->amazon_ses->subject('Open me!');
$this->amazon_ses->message('<strong>Use HTML</strong>');

print_r( $this->amazon_ses->send() );
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