
Suppose i have

class Person
    public int Id {get;set;}
    public string Name {get;set;}
    public List<Person> All {get;set;}

    public Person()

    public List<Person> GetAll()
        //fills the list with person and returns

and that i have:

class Address 
    public int PersonId {get;set;}
    public string theAddress {get;set;}
    public List<Address> All {get;set;}

    //constructor, etc

    public List<Address> GetAll()
        //fills the address list and returns

What im trying to do is exactly the following:

//filling the maintemplate with data
radGridView1.DataMember = "Person";
radGridView1.DataSource = new Person().GetAll();     

//address template, the child one
GridViewTemplate template = new GridViewTemplate();
template.DataSource = new Address().GetAll();
template.DataMember = "Address";

//now the relation between those 2 classes

GridViewRelation relation = new GridViewRelation(radGridView1.MasterTemplate);
relation.ChildTemplate = template;
relation.RelationName = "PersonAddress"; //just a name
relation.ParentColumnNames.Add("Id"); //field to be "joined" to create the relation
relation.ChildColumnNames.Add("PersonId"); //same as above

and what i get is exactly a gridview with a "+" sign by the side of each Person The problem is, the "child" grid is EMPTY, and if i try to add data (its, by default, allowed with an empty constructor in the class) i throw an NullArgumentException

Any ideas? im almost giving up. My problem is: i use custom objects on all projects, its not like "yo use datasets, its ready to use etc", i know that, but i would like to know if there's a way to use CUSTOM OBJECTS, or if im done and should try datasets...

Thanks guys

도움이 되었습니까?


It looks like you are using the WinForms implementation. If that's right, then this works for me fine. Please give this a go

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Telerik.WinControls.UI;

namespace RadGridView_Hierarchy_CS
    public partial class Form1 : Form

        private List<Person> people = new List<Person>();
        private List<Address> addresses = new List<Address>();

        public Form1()

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

            radGridView1.DataSource = people;

            GridViewTemplate template = new GridViewTemplate();
            template.DataSource = addresses;

            GridViewRelation relation = new GridViewRelation(radGridView1.MasterTemplate);
            relation.ChildTemplate = template;
            relation.RelationName = "PersonAddress";


        private void FillPeople()
            Person richard = new Person();
            richard.Name = "Richard";
            richard.Id = 1;
            Person bob = new Person();
            bob.Name = "Bob";
            bob.Id = 2;
            Person mike = new Person();
            mike.Name = "Mike";
            mike.Id = 3;

        private void FillAddresses()
            Address house1 = new Address();
            house1.PersonId = 1;
            house1.Id = 1;
            house1.theAddress = "1 The Mews";
            Address house2 = new Address();
            house2.PersonId = 2;
            house2.Id = 2;
            house2.theAddress = "2 The Mews";

    class Person 
        public int Id {get;set;}     
        public string Name {get;set;}     

        public Person()     

    class Address  
        public int Id { get; set; }   
        public int PersonId {get;set;}    
        public string theAddress {get;set;}     

        public Address()

다른 팁

stumbled over you post when searching for a solution to this, so ill add my solution in case someone needs it ... ( using version Q1 2011 ).

in some initialisation method of your UC/Grid you could do something like

     //setup the template 
     GridViewTemplate subtemplate = new GridViewTemplate();
     subtemplate.AutoSizeColumnsMode = GridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill;
     subtemplate.EnableFiltering = false;
     subtemplate.EnableGrouping = false;
     subtemplate.AutoGenerateColumns = false;

     //define / add the cols
     GridViewTextBoxColumn atextcol = new GridViewTextBoxColumn("Name");
     //further properties of atextcol

      //add the cols to the template

      //add the template to the grid

     //add a HierarchyDataProvider && subscribe to the RowSourceNeeded-Event
      subtemplate.HierarchyDataProvider = new GridViewEventDataProvider(subtemplate);

      thegrid.RowSourceNeeded += new GridViewRowSourceNeededEventHandler(thegrid_RowSourceNeeded);

then, in the eventhandler fill the row/rows

protected void thegrid_RowSourceNeeded(object sender, GridViewRowSourceNeededEventArgs e)
            patentdata cparent = e.ParentRow.DataBoundItem as patentdata;

            foreach (subdataobject sub in parentdata.subs)
                GridViewRowInfo row = e.Template.Rows.NewRow();
                row.Tag = sub;
                row.Cells["Name"].Value = sub.Name;

so, that would be it. critics ?

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