
I'm trying to setup Notepad++ to be able to edit a particular source-code file (*.mrc / mIRC Scripting File). The only thing I can't figure out is how to set the tab settings to 3 spaces.

I've searched google, however, I can't seem to find how to do this. The extent of what I search brings me to the setup for a user-defined language which I've already pretty much done. Tabs are the last steps.

When I add my user-defined file type to notepad++, the extension doesn't register in the Settings > Preferences > Language Menus tab. >:/

도움이 되었습니까?


You could always edit the langs.xml file. It contains code like:

<Language name="batch" ext="bat cmd nt" commentLine="REM">
    <Keywords name="instre1">rem set if else exist errorlevel for in do break call copy chcp cd chdir choice cls country ctty date del erase dir echo exit goto loadfix loadhigh mkdir md move path pause prompt rename ren rmdir rd shift time type ver verify vol com con lpt nul defined not errorlevel cmdextversion</Keywords>

다른 팁

I ended up changing the "Default" tab spacing to what I use the most, and most of the other files I work with are already explicitly defined in the application.

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