
Perspective fov가 있지만 회전 할 때는 올바른 객체가 더 빨리 멀어지는 오브젝트가 더 멀리 떨어져 있으며 화면의 가운데에 그들을 전달합니다.

So :이 정확합니까?오른 손잡이 좌표를 사용하면 그 문제가 있습니까?

    public static Matrix4x4 PerspectiveFOV(float fov, float aspect, float near, float far)
        float yScale = 1.0F / (float)Math.Tan(fov / 2);
        float xScale = yScale / aspect;
        float farmnear = far - near;
        return new Matrix4x4(
            xScale, 0, 0, 0,
            0, yScale, 0, 0,
            0, 0, far / (farmnear), 1,
            0, 0, -near * (far / (farmnear)), 1


도움이 되었습니까?


I see a couple of problems. First, the argument to tan() should be converted from degrees to radians.

Second, the formula for perspective projection in OpenGL is a little different from yours. As specified here, it uses 'near - far' in the denominator instead of your 'far - near'. The numerator terms are also different. Modifying your function slightly and converting from Java to C, I produced a projection matrix identical to the one given by gluPerspective() with the following:

static void my_PerspectiveFOV(double fov, double aspect, double near, double far, double* mret) {
    double D2R = M_PI / 180.0;
    double yScale = 1.0 / tan(D2R * fov / 2);
    double xScale = yScale / aspect;
    double nearmfar = near - far;
    double m[] = {
        xScale, 0, 0, 0,
        0, yScale, 0, 0,
        0, 0, (far + near) / nearmfar, -1,
        0, 0, 2*far*near / nearmfar, 0 
    geom_matrix4_copy(m, mret);

다른 팁

For questions such as this one I would suggest an excellent resources: https://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/3d-basic-rendering/perspective-and-orthographic-projection-matrix It really goes in the detail of the projection matrix. They are more lessons on the topic of camera, constructing camera rays, etc. You will need to do some digging.

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