
This is a challenge problem more than a useful problem (I've spent a few hours on it). Given some functions,

put_debug, put_err :: String -> IO ()
put_foo :: String -> StateT [String] m ()

I want to write a generalized printf function, call it gprint, such that I can write

pdebug = gprint put_debug
perr = gprint put_err
pfoo = gprint put_foo

and then use pdebug, perr, and pfoo like printf, for example,

pdebug "Hi"
pdebug "my value: %d" 1
pdebug "two values: %d, %d" 1 2

I can't manage to come up with a sufficiently general class. My attempts have been things like (for those familiar with Printf, or Oleg's variadic function approach)

class PrintfTyp r where
    type AppendArg r a :: *
    spr :: (String -> a) -> String -> [UPrintf] -> AppendArg r a


class PrintfTyp r where
    type KRetTyp r :: *
    spr :: (String -> KRetTyp r) -> String -> [UPrintf] -> r

Both are too difficult to write base instances for: there's no good choice for r for the first approach (and, its type is not reflected in the non-injective indexed type family AppendArg), and in the second approach, one ends up writing instance PrintfTyp a which looks wrong (matches too many types).

Again, it's just a challenge problem: do it only if it's fun. I would definitely be curious to know the answer though. Thanks!!

도움이 되었습니까?


Here's one approach that tries to let the existing Text.Printf to do as much of the work as possible. First off, we'll need some extensions:

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

-- To avoid having to write some type signatures.
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExtendedDefaultRules #-}

import Control.Monad.State
import Text.Printf

The idea is to feed the arguments one at a time into printf to get the formatted String, then take that and give it to the action we were given at the start.

gprint :: GPrintType a => (String -> EndResult a) -> String -> a
gprint f s = gprint' f (printf s)

class PrintfType (Printf a) => GPrintType a where
  type Printf a :: *
  type EndResult a :: *
  gprint' :: (String -> EndResult a) -> Printf a -> a

The recursive step takes an argument, and feeds it to the printf call we're building up in g.

instance (PrintfArg a, GPrintType b) => GPrintType (a -> b) where
  type Printf (a -> b) = a -> Printf b
  type EndResult (a -> b) = EndResult b
  gprint' f g x = gprint' f (g x)

The base cases just feed the resulting string into f:

instance GPrintType (IO a) where
  type Printf (IO a) = String
  type EndResult (IO a) = IO a
  gprint' f x = f x

instance GPrintType (StateT s m a) where
  type Printf (StateT s m a) = String
  type EndResult (StateT s m a) = StateT s m a
  gprint' f x = f x

Here's the test program I used:

put_debug, put_err :: String -> IO ()
put_foo :: Monad m => String -> StateT [String] m ()

put_debug = putStrLn . ("DEBUG: " ++)
put_err   = putStrLn . ("ERR: " ++)
put_foo x = modify (++ [x])

pdebug = gprint put_debug
perr = gprint put_err
pfoo = gprint put_foo

main = do
  pdebug "Hi"
  pdebug "my value: %d" 1
  pdebug "two values: %d, %d" 1 2
  perr "ouch"
  execStateT (pfoo "one value: %d" 42) [] >>= print

And the output:

DEBUG: my value: 1
DEBUG: two values: 1, 2
ERR: ouch
["one value: 42"]

다른 팁

Classes are for type-based dispatch. So, for put_foo, the Text.Printf architecture is already satisfactory (though it doesn't export PrintfType, sadly). For example, the following seems to work well:

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} -- for ~ syntax
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Default

-- copy and paste source of Text.Printf here

put_foo :: String -> StateT [String] m ()
put_foo = undefined

instance (Default a, Monad m, s ~ [String]) => PrintfType (StateT s m a) where
    spr s us = put_foo (spr s us) >> return def

For put_debug and put_err, you can generalize the PrintfType in the same way HPrintfType does, but taking a String -> IO () function instead of a handle. Then you would write

pdebug  = funPrintf put_debug
perr    = funPrintf put_err
printf' = funPrintf putStr -- just for fun
pfoo    = printf

I am not sure the compiler will be able to deduce this. How does it know that you are expecting the string to be printed in the context of a StateT monad, as opposed to taking another argument in the (a ->) monad.

You will probably need to introduce a way to show the type checker when the argument list has ended. The simplest way is to just wrap it in a function, so you write:

pdebug $ printf "%d %d %d" 1 2 3

And then pdebug could be polymorphic in the monad.

You might also be able to swing it so you use a terminator, like:

data Kthx = Kthx
printf "%d %d %d" 1 2 3 Kthx

But I can't quite figure out how right now.

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