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AIM -> Historian



Historian -> PI

위 사진처럼 완벽하게 정렬되었습니다.이 모든 텍스트가 포함된 하나의 링크입니다.Print Screen

나는 시도했다 <p style ="text-indent:5em; 그리고 나는 또한 <ul style ="text-indent:5em; 하지만 간격은 여전히 ​​이상하고 내가 원하는 것이 아닙니다.보시다시피 위에 불필요한 빈 공간이 있고 텍스트 정렬이 적절하지 않습니다.


<div class="tabContentBorders">
<div id="tab1">
<p><strong>Data Acquisition and Reporting</strong></p>
<p>        <a href="IOM_AssetPerformanceManagement.html">High-Speed Data Acquisition</a></p>
<p>        <a href="IOM_RealTimeBusinessIntelligence.html">Custom Driver Development</a></p>
<p>        <a href="IOM_Real-TimeProfitOptimization.html">Custom Reporting Solutions</a></p>
<p><strong>15)  Historian Migration</strong></p>
<p style ="text-indent:5em;">        <a href="IOM_EnterpriseControl.html"></a><br>AIM -> Historian<br>AIM -> AIM<br>AIM -> PI<br>Historian -> PI</p>
<p><strong>Custom Windows Application</strong></p>
<p>        <a href="consultingandservices_solutionconsulting_regulatorycomplianceconsulting-2.html">SOE/TRA Suite</a></p>
<p>        <a href="ConsultingandServices_SolutionConsulting_SafetyLifecycleServices.html">TCP Time-Sync</a></p>
<p>        <a href="IOM_ProductionEnergyManagement.html">Power Calculations</a></p>



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기본 코드를 간단히 다시 작성하는 것이 좋습니다.여기서는 H3 헤더의 경우 단락을 타겟팅합니다.당신이 사용하지 않는 한 white-space:pre 공백은 항상 한 공백의 너비로 축소됩니다.

단락 태그를 줄여 코드를 더 깔끔하게 정리할 수 있지만 여기에 간단한 아이디어가 있습니다.



<div class="tabContentBorders">
<div id="tab1">
<h3>Data Acquisition and Reporting</h3>
<p>        <a href="IOM_AssetPerformanceManagement.html">High-Speed Data Acquisition</a></p>
<p>        <a href="IOM_RealTimeBusinessIntelligence.html">Custom Driver Development</a></p>
<p>        <a href="IOM_Real-TimeProfitOptimization.html">Custom Reporting Solutions</a></p>
<h3>15)  Historian Migration</strong></h3>
<p style ="text-indent:5em;">        <a href="IOM_EnterpriseControl.html"></a><br>AIM -> Historian<br>AIM -> AIM<br>AIM -> PI<br>Historian -> PI</p>
<h3>Custom Windows Application</h3>
<p>        <a href="consultingandservices_solutionconsulting_regulatorycomplianceconsulting-2.html">SOE/TRA Suite</a></p>
<p>        <a href="ConsultingandServices_SolutionConsulting_SafetyLifecycleServices.html">TCP Time-Sync</a></p>
<p>        <a href="IOM_ProductionEnergyManagement.html">Power Calculations</a></p>




#tab1 p{

다른 팁

이것은 내가 어떻게했는지 그리고 그것이 작동하는 것입니다

<p><strong>Data Acquisition and Reporting</strong></p>
<p style="padding-left : 2em;"><a href="IOM_AssetPerformanceManagement.html">High-Speed Data Acquisition</a></p>
<p style="padding-left : 2em;"><a href="IOM_RealTimeBusinessIntelligence.html">Custom Driver Development</a></p>
<p style="padding-left : 2em;"><a href="IOM_Real-TimeProfitOptimization.html">Custom Reporting Solutions</a></p>
<p><strong>Historian Migration</strong></p>
<p style="padding-left : 2em;"><a href="IOM_EnterpriseControl.html">
AIM -> HistorianAIM -> AIM<br>
AIM -> PI<br>
Historian -> PI<br>
<p><strong>Custom Windows Application</strong></p>
<p style="padding-left : 2em;"><a href="consultingandservices_solutionconsulting_regulatorycomplianceconsulting-2.html">SOE/TRA Suite</a></p>
<p style="padding-left : 2em;"><a href="ConsultingandServices_SolutionConsulting_SafetyLifecycleServices.html">TCP Time-Sync</a></p>
<p style="padding-left : 2em;"><a href="IOM_ProductionEnergyManagement.html">Power Calculations</a></p>

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