
I am trying to restart Mapreduce Jobtracker through Cloudera Manager API. Stats for Jobtracker is as follows :

local-iMac-399:$ curl -u 'admin:admin' 'http://hadoop-namenode.dev.com:7180/api/v6/clusters/Cluster%201/services/mapreduce/roles/mapreduce-JOBTRACKER-0675ebab2b87e3869e0d90167cf4bf86'
  "name" : "mapreduce-JOBTRACKER-0675ebab2b87e3869e0d90167cf4bf86",
  "type" : "JOBTRACKER",
  "serviceRef" : {
    "clusterName" : "cluster",
    "serviceName" : "mapreduce"
  "hostRef" : {
    "hostId" : "24259373-7e71-4089-8251-faf055e42ad7"
  "roleUrl" : "http://hadoop-namenode.dev.com:7180/cmf/roleRedirect/mapreduce-JOBTRACKER-0675ebab2b87e3869e0d90167cf4bf86",
  "roleState" : "STARTED",
  "healthSummary" : "GOOD",
  "healthChecks" : [ {
  "summary" : "GOOD"
}, {
"summary" : "GOOD"
}, {
"summary" : "GOOD"
}, {
"summary" : "GOOD"
}, {
"summary" : "GOOD"
}, {
"summary" : "GOOD"
}, {
"summary" : "GOOD"
} ],
"configStalenessStatus" : "STALE",
"haStatus" : "ACTIVE",
"maintenanceMode" : false,
"maintenanceOwners" : [ ],
"commissionState" : "COMMISSIONED",
"roleConfigGroupRef" : {
"roleConfigGroupName" : "mapreduce-JOBTRACKER-BASE"

Dont know How do I use API to restart just Jobtracker ?

I tried to restart Hive service using following command but got some error

local-iMac-399:$curl -X POST -u 'admin:admin'  'http://hadoop-namenode.dev.com:7180/api/v6/clusters/Cluster%201/services/hive/roleCommands/restart'
 "message" : "No content to map due to end-of-input\n at [Source: org.apache.cxf.transport.http.AbstractHTTPDestination$1@4169c499; line: 1, column: 1]"

I would appreciate if someone help in understanding how to use Cloudera Manager API

도움이 되었습니까?


Based on the information provided, this is how you'd invoke the CM API JobTracker restart

curl -u 'admin:admin' -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"items":["mapreduce-JOBTRACKER-0675ebab2b87e3869e0d90167cf4bf86"]}' 'http://hadoop-namenode.dev.com:7180/api/v6/clusters/Cluster%201/services/mapreduce/roleCommands/restart'
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