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Difference between Graphics Card and Video Card

ComputersTechnologyVFX & Animation

Graphics Card

Graphics Card is an additional PC Component that has a printed circuit board with separate processor and RAM. It enhances the images shown on the computer. A graphics card improves pictures, videos, animations, etc. Other names of graphics cards are Video Adapter, Display Adapter, and Graphics Accelerator.

Video Card

The video card is a PC component used to enhance image quality. It connects the motherboard to computing units as well. It controls the display factors like colors, resolution, speed of images, etc. A video card speed up 2D and 3D graphics rendering as well.

The following are some of the important differences between Graphics Card and Video Card.

Sr. No.KeyGraphics CardVideo Card
1ConceptGraphics Card controls the quality of pictures, videos and enhances the gaming experience.Video card controls the colors displayed, resolution, speed of rendering images, etc.
2SpeedGraphics Card speed is faster than the Video Card.Video card speed is slower as compared to Graphics Card.
3CostGraphics Card is expensive.The video card is cheaper as compared to a graphics card.
4PresenceGraphics Card is optional and may not be present in a default installation of a PC System.Video Card is a mandatory part of the PC system.
5ImprovementGraphics Card improves picture quality, supports high resolution and 3D effects.Video Card controls the display setting of the PC system.
6UsageGraphics Card is used primarily for gaming consoles.Video Card is used for video editing, multimedia projects.
7PerformanceGraphics Card has its own RAM And Cooling system and has better performance.Video Card has no RAM and uses System's RAM.

Published on 16-Apr-2020 09:29:20
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