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나는 전에이 일을했고, 어떻게 기억할 수 없었다.나는 copyto () 함수를 사용했다고 생각합니다.

시작하기 만하면됩니다.

$missing = [System.Type]::missing
$excel = New-Object -Com Excel.Application

$wb1 = $excel.Workbooks.Add($missing)
$wb2 = $excel.Workbooks.Add($missing)

# Now, to copy worksheet "Sheet3" from $wb2 into $wb1 as second worksheet.
# How?

도움이 되었습니까?


게시물 kiron

인덱스가 두 번째 시트로 복사 할 수 있습니다.

$file1 = 'C:\Users\eric\Documents\Book1.xlsx' # source's fullpath
$file2 = 'C:\Users\eric\Documents\Book2.xlsx' # destination's fullpath
$xl = new-object -c excel.application
$xl.displayAlerts = $false # don't prompt the user
$wb2 = $xl.workbooks.open($file1, $null, $true) # open source, readonly
$wb1 = $xl.workbooks.open($file2) # open target
$sh1_wb1 = $wb1.sheets.item(2) # second sheet in destination workbook
$sheetToCopy = $wb2.sheets.item('Sheet3') # source sheet to copy
$sheetToCopy.copy($sh1_wb1) # copy source sheet to destination workbook
$wb2.close($false) # close source workbook w/o saving
$wb1.close($true) # close and save destination workbook
spps -n excel

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