
how to get end point url of a openid provider like for google if we get from https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id or for yahoo it is http://me.yahoo.com .Similarly , for others how to find this information.

도움이 되었습니까?


Go to the web site in question and look through their docs. There's no authoritative or complete list of OP Identifiers.

다른 팁

U can have something like this in a js file.. var defaultProviders = { google: { name: 'Google', url: 'https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id', hasLargeIcon: true }, yahoo: { name: 'Yahoo', url: 'http://me.yahoo.com/', hasLargeIcon: true }, aol: { name: 'AOL', label: 'Enter your AOL screenname:', url: 'http://openid.aol.com/{username}', hasLargeIcon: true }, myopenid: { name: 'MyOpenID', label: 'Enter your MyOpenID username:', url: 'http://{username}.myopenid.com/', hasLargeIcon: true }, openid: { name: 'OpenID', url: 'http://', hasLargeIcon: true }, livejournal: { name: 'LiveJournal', label: 'Enter your Livejournal username:', url: 'http://{username}.livejournal.com/', hasLargeIcon: false }, wordpress: { name: 'Wordpress', label: 'Enter your Wordpress.com username:', url: 'http://{username}.wordpress.com/', hasLargeIcon: false }, blogger: { name: 'Blogger', label: 'Enter your Blogger account:', url: 'http://{username}.blogspot.com/', hasLargeIcon: false }, verisign: { name: 'Verisign', label: 'Enter your Verisign username:', url: 'http://{username}.pip.verisignlabs.com/', hasLargeIcon: false }, claimid: { name: 'ClaimID', label: 'Enter your ClaimID username:', url: 'http://openid.claimid.com/{username}', hasLargeIcon: false }, clickpass: { name: 'ClickPass', label: 'Enter your ClickPass username:', url: 'http://clickpass.com/public/{username}', hasLargeIcon: false } };

Than once username is available u can use following code to create complete URL... `function (event) { var cancel = true; var val = $('input[type=text]', username).val(); if (val.length > 0) { var pvd = providers[selectedId]; if (pvd) { _setLoading(true, true); var url = pvd.url.replace('{username}', val); _setOpenIdUrl(url); _setCookie(selectedId); alert("URL is : "+url);
input.get()[0].form.submit(); } } if (cancel) { event.preventDefault(); }
};' That will work most of the time....

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