
할 수 있는 방법을 제시어를 사용할 수 있는 그/그녀의 디렉터리를 선택합니다?

거기에있을 것 같지 않는 모든이다.net 컨트롤는 이렇게 할까요?

도움이 되었습니까?


FolderBrowserDialog 클래스 최고의 옵션입니다.

다른 팁

string folderPath = "";
FolderBrowserDialog folderBrowserDialog1 = new FolderBrowserDialog();
if (folderBrowserDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) {
    folderPath = folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath ;

참고:보장이 없 이 코드는 작업의 향후 버전에서.Net framework.를 사용하여 개인이다.Net framework 내부로 수행을 통해 여기를 반영하지 않을 가능성이 높습니다.사용 interop 솔루션에 언급한 바닥으로,API 는 윈도우 적은 변경될 수 있습니다.

당신이 찾고있는 폴더 선택처럼 보이는 Windows7 대화 할 수있는 기능,복사 및 붙여넣기 텍스트 상자에서 아래쪽 탐색 창에서 왼쪽으로 즐겨찾기와 일반적인 위치,당신은에 액세스 할 수 있습니다에서 매우 가벼운 방법입니다.

이 FolderBrowserDialog UI 은 매우 최소한의:

enter image description here

그러나 이는 대신:

enter image description here

여기에는 클래스가 열립스 스타일의 폴더 선택 사용.Net 개인 IFileDialog 인터페이스 없이 직접 사용하여 interop 코드에서는(.순위 당신).그것이 다시 떨어지 pre-Vista 대화하지 않는 경우에 충분히 높은 윈도우 버전입니다.작동해야에서 윈도우 7,8,9,10,상(이론적으로).

using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace MyCoolCompany.Shuriken {
    /// <summary>
    /// Present the Windows Vista-style open file dialog to select a folder. Fall back for older Windows Versions
    /// </summary>
    public class FolderSelectDialog {
        private string _initialDirectory;
        private string _title;
        private string _fileName = "";

        public string InitialDirectory {
            get { return string.IsNullOrEmpty(_initialDirectory) ? Environment.CurrentDirectory : _initialDirectory; }
            set { _initialDirectory = value; }
        public string Title {
            get { return _title ?? "Select a folder"; }
            set { _title = value; }
        public string FileName { get { return _fileName; } }

        public bool Show() { return Show(IntPtr.Zero); }

        /// <param name="hWndOwner">Handle of the control or window to be the parent of the file dialog</param>
        /// <returns>true if the user clicks OK</returns>
        public bool Show(IntPtr hWndOwner) {
            var result = Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= 6
                ? VistaDialog.Show(hWndOwner, InitialDirectory, Title)
                : ShowXpDialog(hWndOwner, InitialDirectory, Title);
            _fileName = result.FileName;
            return result.Result;

        private struct ShowDialogResult {
            public bool Result { get; set; }
            public string FileName { get; set; }

        private static ShowDialogResult ShowXpDialog(IntPtr ownerHandle, string initialDirectory, string title) {
            var folderBrowserDialog = new FolderBrowserDialog {
                Description = title,
                SelectedPath = initialDirectory,
                ShowNewFolderButton = false
            var dialogResult = new ShowDialogResult();
            if (folderBrowserDialog.ShowDialog(new WindowWrapper(ownerHandle)) == DialogResult.OK) {
                dialogResult.Result = true;
                dialogResult.FileName = folderBrowserDialog.SelectedPath;
            return dialogResult;

        private static class VistaDialog {
            private const string c_foldersFilter = "Folders|\n";

            private const BindingFlags c_flags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic;
            private readonly static Assembly s_windowsFormsAssembly = typeof(FileDialog).Assembly;
            private readonly static Type s_iFileDialogType = s_windowsFormsAssembly.GetType("System.Windows.Forms.FileDialogNative+IFileDialog");
            private readonly static MethodInfo s_createVistaDialogMethodInfo = typeof(OpenFileDialog).GetMethod("CreateVistaDialog", c_flags);
            private readonly static MethodInfo s_onBeforeVistaDialogMethodInfo = typeof(OpenFileDialog).GetMethod("OnBeforeVistaDialog", c_flags);
            private readonly static MethodInfo s_getOptionsMethodInfo = typeof(FileDialog).GetMethod("GetOptions", c_flags);
            private readonly static MethodInfo s_setOptionsMethodInfo = s_iFileDialogType.GetMethod("SetOptions", c_flags);
            private readonly static uint s_fosPickFoldersBitFlag = (uint) s_windowsFormsAssembly
            private readonly static ConstructorInfo s_vistaDialogEventsConstructorInfo = s_windowsFormsAssembly
                .GetConstructor(c_flags, null, new[] { typeof(FileDialog) }, null);
            private readonly static MethodInfo s_adviseMethodInfo = s_iFileDialogType.GetMethod("Advise");
            private readonly static MethodInfo s_unAdviseMethodInfo = s_iFileDialogType.GetMethod("Unadvise");
            private readonly static MethodInfo s_showMethodInfo = s_iFileDialogType.GetMethod("Show");

            public static ShowDialogResult Show(IntPtr ownerHandle, string initialDirectory, string title) {
                var openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog {
                    AddExtension = false,
                    CheckFileExists = false,
                    DereferenceLinks = true,
                    Filter = c_foldersFilter,
                    InitialDirectory = initialDirectory,
                    Multiselect = false,
                    Title = title

                var iFileDialog = s_createVistaDialogMethodInfo.Invoke(openFileDialog, new object[] { });
                s_onBeforeVistaDialogMethodInfo.Invoke(openFileDialog, new[] { iFileDialog });
                s_setOptionsMethodInfo.Invoke(iFileDialog, new object[] { (uint) s_getOptionsMethodInfo.Invoke(openFileDialog, new object[] { }) | s_fosPickFoldersBitFlag });
                var adviseParametersWithOutputConnectionToken = new[] { s_vistaDialogEventsConstructorInfo.Invoke(new object[] { openFileDialog }), 0U };
                s_adviseMethodInfo.Invoke(iFileDialog, adviseParametersWithOutputConnectionToken);

                try {
                    int retVal = (int) s_showMethodInfo.Invoke(iFileDialog, new object[] { ownerHandle });
                    return new ShowDialogResult {
                        Result = retVal == 0,
                        FileName = openFileDialog.FileName
                finally {
                    s_unAdviseMethodInfo.Invoke(iFileDialog, new[] { adviseParametersWithOutputConnectionToken[1] });

        // Wrap an IWin32Window around an IntPtr
        private class WindowWrapper : IWin32Window {
            private readonly IntPtr _handle;
            public WindowWrapper(IntPtr handle) { _handle = handle; }
            public IntPtr Handle { get { return _handle; } }

이로 청소 버전의 .NET Win7 타 폴더를 선택 대화상자 빌의 세돈 lyquidity.com (나는 아무 관계가 없).나는 나 자신 때문에 그의 솔루션을 필요로 추가적인 반사 클래스는 필요하지 않습에 대한 이 초점을 목적으로,사용 제외 기반의 흐름을 제어하지 않는 캐시 결과를 반영을 호출합니다.참고 중첩된 정적 VistaDialog 클래스는 그래서는 그는 정적 변수를 반영하려고하지 않다가 채워지는 경우 Show 메서드가 호출됩니다.

그것처럼 사용되도록에서 윈도우 폼:

var dialog = new FolderSelectDialog {
    InitialDirectory = musicFolderTextBox.Text,
    Title = "Select a folder to import music from"
if (dialog.Show(Handle)) {
    musicFolderTextBox.Text = dialog.FileName;

할 수 있습니다 물론 플레이 주위에 그것의 무성 표시됩니다.예를 들어,그것은 다중 선택에 Vista 스타일의 대화입니다.

또한,주 사이먼 코고랑을 했답 을 수행하는 방법을 보여줍니다 정확히 동일한 작업을 사용하여 interop 대 Windows API 를 직접하지만,자신의 버전이 될 수 있는 것을 보완을 사용하는 이전 스타일의 대화면에서는 오래된 버전의 Windows.불행하게도,나이지만 자신의 게시물을 아직 내가 나의 솔루션입니다.이름 귀하의 독!

할 수 있습 사용 FolderBrowserDialog 에서 클래스 System.Windows.Forms 네임스페이스가 있습니다.

시 시도 하지 않고 자신의 롤과 트리/또는 파일 이름이 시스.한 많은 좋은 기능을 위해 당신이 얻을 무료(아이콘을 마우스 오른쪽 단추로 클릭/네트워크)를 사용하여 SHBrowseForFolder.다이 있는 경우 가장자리/합지 않을 가능성이 알고 있어야 합니다.

를 사용할 수 있습 트과 함께 또는 파일 이름이 시스.

에 대한 많은 것보다 더 많은 기능을 이 FolderBrowserdialog 처럼,필터링,검사-박스 등을 살펴 제 3 자 컨트롤 쉘 MegaPack.이후 그들은 제어,그래서 그들에 넣을 수 있습니다 당신의 자신의 형태를 대신으로 나타나는 모달합니다.

또는 더 나은,당신을 넣을 수 있습이드 클래스에서 파일

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;

internal class OpenFolderDialog : IDisposable {

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets/sets folder in which dialog will be open.
    /// </summary>
    public string InitialFolder { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets/sets directory in which dialog will be open if there is no recent directory available.
    /// </summary>
    public string DefaultFolder { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets selected folder.
    /// </summary>
    public string Folder { get; private set; }

    internal DialogResult ShowDialog(IWin32Window owner) {
        if (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= 6) {
            return ShowVistaDialog(owner);
        } else {
            return ShowLegacyDialog(owner);

    private DialogResult ShowVistaDialog(IWin32Window owner) {
        var frm = (NativeMethods.IFileDialog)(new NativeMethods.FileOpenDialogRCW());
        uint options;
        frm.GetOptions(out options);
        options |= NativeMethods.FOS_PICKFOLDERS | NativeMethods.FOS_FORCEFILESYSTEM | NativeMethods.FOS_NOVALIDATE | NativeMethods.FOS_NOTESTFILECREATE | NativeMethods.FOS_DONTADDTORECENT;
        if (this.InitialFolder != null) {
            NativeMethods.IShellItem directoryShellItem;
            var riid = new Guid("43826D1E-E718-42EE-BC55-A1E261C37BFE"); //IShellItem
            if (NativeMethods.SHCreateItemFromParsingName(this.InitialFolder, IntPtr.Zero, ref riid, out directoryShellItem) == NativeMethods.S_OK) {
        if (this.DefaultFolder != null) {
            NativeMethods.IShellItem directoryShellItem;
            var riid = new Guid("43826D1E-E718-42EE-BC55-A1E261C37BFE"); //IShellItem
            if (NativeMethods.SHCreateItemFromParsingName(this.DefaultFolder, IntPtr.Zero, ref riid, out directoryShellItem) == NativeMethods.S_OK) {

        if (frm.Show(owner.Handle) == NativeMethods.S_OK) {
            NativeMethods.IShellItem shellItem;
            if (frm.GetResult(out shellItem) == NativeMethods.S_OK) {
                IntPtr pszString;
                if (shellItem.GetDisplayName(NativeMethods.SIGDN_FILESYSPATH, out pszString) == NativeMethods.S_OK) {
                    if (pszString != IntPtr.Zero) {
                        try {
                            this.Folder = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(pszString);
                            return DialogResult.OK;
                        } finally {
        return DialogResult.Cancel;

    private DialogResult ShowLegacyDialog(IWin32Window owner) {
        using (var frm = new SaveFileDialog()) {
            frm.CheckFileExists = false;
            frm.CheckPathExists = true;
            frm.CreatePrompt = false;
            frm.Filter = "|" + Guid.Empty.ToString();
            frm.FileName = "any";
            if (this.InitialFolder != null) { frm.InitialDirectory = this.InitialFolder; }
            frm.OverwritePrompt = false;
            frm.Title = "Select Folder";
            frm.ValidateNames = false;
            if (frm.ShowDialog(owner) == DialogResult.OK) {
                this.Folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(frm.FileName);
                return DialogResult.OK;
            } else {
                return DialogResult.Cancel;

    public void Dispose() { } //just to have possibility of Using statement.


internal static class NativeMethods {

    #region Constants

    public const uint FOS_PICKFOLDERS = 0x00000020;
    public const uint FOS_FORCEFILESYSTEM = 0x00000040;
    public const uint FOS_NOVALIDATE = 0x00000100;
    public const uint FOS_NOTESTFILECREATE = 0x00010000;
    public const uint FOS_DONTADDTORECENT = 0x02000000;

    public const uint S_OK = 0x0000;

    public const uint SIGDN_FILESYSPATH = 0x80058000;


    #region COM

    [ComImport, ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None), TypeLibType(TypeLibTypeFlags.FCanCreate), Guid("DC1C5A9C-E88A-4DDE-A5A1-60F82A20AEF7")]
    internal class FileOpenDialogRCW { }

    [ComImport(), Guid("42F85136-DB7E-439C-85F1-E4075D135FC8"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)]
    internal interface IFileDialog {
        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
        uint Show([In, Optional] IntPtr hwndOwner); //IModalWindow 

        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
        uint SetFileTypes([In] uint cFileTypes, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] IntPtr rgFilterSpec);

        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
        uint SetFileTypeIndex([In] uint iFileType);

        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
        uint GetFileTypeIndex(out uint piFileType);

        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
        uint Advise([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] IntPtr pfde, out uint pdwCookie);

        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
        uint Unadvise([In] uint dwCookie);

        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
        uint SetOptions([In] uint fos);

        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
        uint GetOptions(out uint fos);

        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
        void SetDefaultFolder([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] IShellItem psi);

        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
        uint SetFolder([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] IShellItem psi);

        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
        uint GetFolder([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] out IShellItem ppsi);

        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
        uint GetCurrentSelection([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] out IShellItem ppsi);

        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
        uint SetFileName([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string pszName);

        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
        uint GetFileName([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] out string pszName);

        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
        uint SetTitle([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string pszTitle);

        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
        uint SetOkButtonLabel([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string pszText);

        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
        uint SetFileNameLabel([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string pszLabel);

        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
        uint GetResult([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] out IShellItem ppsi);

        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
        uint AddPlace([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] IShellItem psi, uint fdap);

        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
        uint SetDefaultExtension([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string pszDefaultExtension);

        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
        uint Close([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Error)] uint hr);

        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
        uint SetClientGuid([In] ref Guid guid);

        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
        uint ClearClientData();

        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
        uint SetFilter([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] IntPtr pFilter);

    [ComImport, Guid("43826D1E-E718-42EE-BC55-A1E261C37BFE"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)]
    internal interface IShellItem {
        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
        uint BindToHandler([In] IntPtr pbc, [In] ref Guid rbhid, [In] ref Guid riid, [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] out IntPtr ppvOut);

        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
        uint GetParent([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] out IShellItem ppsi);

        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
        uint GetDisplayName([In] uint sigdnName, out IntPtr ppszName);

        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
        uint GetAttributes([In] uint sfgaoMask, out uint psfgaoAttribs);

        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
        uint Compare([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] IShellItem psi, [In] uint hint, out int piOrder);


    [DllImport("shell32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)]
    internal static extern int SHCreateItemFromParsingName([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string pszPath, IntPtr pbc, ref Guid riid, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] out IShellItem ppv);


고 그것을 사용하는 다음과 같이

using (var frm = new OpenFolderDialog()) {
                if (frm.ShowDialog(this)== DialogResult.OK) {
                    MessageBox.Show(this, frm.Folder);

는 그것을 할 수있는 더 좋은 방법과 여러 개의 폴더 선택

using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Windows.Forms;

class OpenFolderDialog
    //public bool AddExtension { get; set; }
    public bool AutoUpgradeEnabled { get; set; }
    //public bool CheckFileExists { get; set; }
    public bool CheckPathExists { get; set; }
    //public bool DereferenceLinks { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }
    //public string DefaultExt { get; set; }
    public string InitialDirectory { get; set; }
    //public bool ValidateNames { get; set; }
    //public bool SupportMultiDottedExtensions { get; set; }
    //public bool ShowHelp { get; set; }
    public bool Multiselect { get; set; }
    public bool RestoreDirectory { get; set; }
    //public string Filter { get; set; }
    public string SelectedPath { get; private set; }
    public string[] SelectedPaths { get; private set; }

    private FolderBrowserDialog FolderBrowser
            return new FolderBrowserDialog()
                ShowNewFolderButton = true,
                Description = Title,
                SelectedPath = InitialDirectory

    private OpenFileDialog Dialog
            return new OpenFileDialog()
                Title = Title,
                AddExtension = false,
                AutoUpgradeEnabled = AutoUpgradeEnabled,
                CheckFileExists = true,
                CheckPathExists = CheckPathExists,
                DefaultExt = string.Empty,
                DereferenceLinks = false,
                InitialDirectory = InitialDirectory,
                ValidateNames = false,
                SupportMultiDottedExtensions = false,
                ShowHelp = false,
                Multiselect = Multiselect,
                RestoreDirectory = RestoreDirectory,
                Filter = string.Empty,
                FileName = SelectedPath

    /// <param name="hWndOwner">Handle of the control or window to be the parent of the file dialog</param>
    /// <returns>true if the user clicks OK</returns>
    public DialogResult ShowDialog(IntPtr hWndOwner)
        if (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= 6)
            OpenFileDialog dialog = Dialog;
            DialogResult result = VistaDialog.Show(hWndOwner, dialog) != 0 ? DialogResult.Cancel : DialogResult.OK;
            SelectedPath = dialog.FileName;
            SelectedPaths = dialog.FileNames;
            return result;
            FolderBrowserDialog XPDialog = FolderBrowser;
            DialogResult result = XPDialog.ShowDialog();
            SelectedPath = XPDialog.SelectedPath;
            return result;

    private static class VistaDialog
        private const BindingFlags c_flags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic;
        private readonly static Assembly s_windowsFormsAssembly = typeof(FileDialog).Assembly;
        private readonly static Type s_iFileDialogType = s_windowsFormsAssembly.GetType("System.Windows.Forms.FileDialogNative+IFileDialog");
        private readonly static MethodInfo s_createVistaDialogMethodInfo = typeof(OpenFileDialog).GetMethod("CreateVistaDialog", c_flags);
        private readonly static MethodInfo s_onBeforeVistaDialogMethodInfo = typeof(OpenFileDialog).GetMethod("OnBeforeVistaDialog", c_flags);
        private readonly static MethodInfo s_getOptionsMethodInfo = typeof(FileDialog).GetMethod("GetOptions", c_flags);
        private readonly static MethodInfo s_setOptionsMethodInfo = s_iFileDialogType.GetMethod("SetOptions", c_flags);
        private readonly static uint s_fosPickFoldersBitFlag = (uint)s_windowsFormsAssembly
        private readonly static ConstructorInfo s_vistaDialogEventsConstructorInfo = s_windowsFormsAssembly
            .GetConstructor(c_flags, null, new[] { typeof(FileDialog) }, null);
        private readonly static MethodInfo s_adviseMethodInfo = s_iFileDialogType.GetMethod("Advise");
        private readonly static MethodInfo s_unAdviseMethodInfo = s_iFileDialogType.GetMethod("Unadvise");
        private readonly static MethodInfo s_showMethodInfo = s_iFileDialogType.GetMethod("Show");

        public static int Show(IntPtr ownerHandle, OpenFileDialog dialog)
            var iFileDialog = s_createVistaDialogMethodInfo.Invoke(dialog, new object[] { });
            s_onBeforeVistaDialogMethodInfo.Invoke(dialog, new[] { iFileDialog });
            s_setOptionsMethodInfo.Invoke(iFileDialog, new object[] { (uint)s_getOptionsMethodInfo.Invoke(dialog, new object[] { }) | s_fosPickFoldersBitFlag });
            var adviseParametersWithOutputConnectionToken = new[] { s_vistaDialogEventsConstructorInfo.Invoke(new object[] { dialog }), 0U };
            s_adviseMethodInfo.Invoke(iFileDialog, adviseParametersWithOutputConnectionToken);

                return (int)s_showMethodInfo.Invoke(iFileDialog, new object[] { ownerHandle });

                s_unAdviseMethodInfo.Invoke(iFileDialog, new[] { adviseParametersWithOutputConnectionToken[1] });


OpenFolderDialog folder = new OpenFolderDialog()
                Title = "Select destination folder",
                AutoUpgradeEnabled = true,
                CheckPathExists = true,
                InitialDirectory =
                Multiselect = true,
                RestoreDirectory = true
            DialogResult result = folder.ShowDialog(IntPtr.Zero);
            if (result.Equals(DialogResult.OK))
                MessageBox.Show(folder.SelectedPath + " Paths:" + folder.SelectedPaths.Length);
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