
I just started using URLRewriter.net with my blog and I have a problem with getting the query string values. I have a rule setting like:

<rewrite url="~/blog.aspx(\?.+)?$"

But when I try to access /blog.aspx?page=1 the page parameter is not passed. Other parameters work great and there are no conflicts in rewriting rules.

도움이 되었습니까?


I think the problem is that $2 is out of range as you only have one group in your RegEx. Try $1.


In addition, it could be that the query string is being appended with another '?' so you need to move that out of the brackets.

You'll also need an extra group to make the rule match with our without the '?'. Note: we're back to $2 in the result now :)

<rewrite url="~/blog.aspx(\?(.+)?)?$"
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