
A piece of software is a patchwork of old and undocumented efforts. There are no comments, no documentation, and the code is hairy -- it involves Unix shell scripts that check for dummy files and then call SQL statements that call database procedures that modify data.

The original developers have left and we score a solid 2 on the Joel Test but I can raise it to at least 4 - yay...

The code is reasonably error-free, but we constantly need to add new features into it which is highly error-prone because of the state of the code, so the deadlines slip and the efforts rise.

We want to rewrite this software in order to reduce maintenance and development efforts. As part of the rewrite, we will introduce specs, comments, test cases -- all things that we currently don't have. It'll still be a bit complex afterwards, but no more than necessary.

This is not a BIG rewrite because we are not going to switch languages or frameworks; we'll still need shell scripts (but fewer) and database procedures (but fewer). The implications are also fairly simple because we're in control of the installation sites and we can fully replace the old code with the new code at the flick of a switch.

I know a rewrite is never good but I think these are reasonable counterarguments. Nevertheless, my concern is the typical danger of introducing brand new bugs instead of the old known ones, and also the danger of not implementing certain details because nobody even knows they exist or are needed.

How can I approach this rewrite in an efficient manner?

도움이 되었습니까?


It's not that rewritten code is bad, it's how you do it. Everyone thinks their case is the exception.

A large rewrite is like climbing a mountain. You don't want to remove the previous safety until the next one is in place, and you take small, deliberate steps. It feels like taking the time to do it safely is keeping you from reaching the top, but you eventually do get there.

Figure out the easiest, smallest, most beneficial part you can refactor, put tests around it, then do it, without changing the rest of the code. Then repeat the process. Sometimes this requires temporary hack code to bridge between the old and the new code. Things might temporarily get worse before they get better, but you will move in the right direction in the long term. The idea is that if you screw up any part of the rewrite, you can get back to a known good state without reverting more than a day or so of work in source control.

다른 팁

I think you are overlooking something - you CAN'T rewrite it, because you've admitted you have no idea what it's doing!

It's great to realize that you'll need tests, but what are you going to test? You don't know what it does! How do you test it?

Before you can re-write, you have to spec it out, which means sitting down with the existing code for who knows how long and examining every SQL statement, every script and making sure you know what it's doing and why it's doing it. Especially important are identifying any weird side effects that turn out to be intended behaviors. All while maintaining the existing app as well. Good luck with that.

If you can't spend that kind of time on the spec (and most people can't), then you need to fix it piece by piece. When next you get a change order, identify what the function you are changing does, how it does it, write the tests, and re-write that piece.

Make sure you have your team and your development processes solidified. I don't see how you can feel confident you're going to improve on this app with a Joel Test of 4. This project could use about 8. You could suffer the same fate this project did with uncooperative management, poor planning, inexperienced team members, lack of best practices, unexpected change requests, unreasonable time-frames. During many projects, "life happens" so you have to be prepared.

Hopefully, your company is paying to rewrite the app because it is important. Apps that are criticial usually have current bugs to fix and a large number of change requests with tight delivery schedules. You don't like the old code because it is difficult to maintain, so you want to compound the time to fix, add new features all while you're writing a new code base? You may save time in the long-term, but you're like a business with no cash flow. How can you deliver on the changes/fixes they need right now (Joel 5 - fix bugs before new code - users will demand this)? You need some efficiencies (Joel 1,2,3,6,7 - builds, source control, schedules, specs).

Your team would be in a better position to take on this project with the right tools and environment (Joel 8 (working conditions), 9 (best tools)). Is your company ready to support this project? Can everyone outside your group commit to testing? (Joel 10, 12)

There's going to be bugs (Joel 4 & 5) in the current code and your new app . Programmer turn-over (Joel 11 - candidates write code during interview).

You seem to be prepared to take on this project. Make sure everyone else is. You may need to run a tighter ship than most teams.

If possible, do it module by module.

If the current system is not "very modular", try and identify pieces that can be modularised, and refactor them 1 at a time, introducing test cases etc.

Start with what appears to be the easiest module. Get it right. Then move on to the next.

You seem to have a pretty good grasp of what you should be doing though, so good luck!

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