
Its seems SUPEE-9767v2 has disabled and removed the option in "Advanced -> Developer -> Template settings", that would allow us to enable/disable symlinks.

What is the other way to enable symlinks after V2 patch install?

도움이 되었습니까?


You can only do it on DB at the moment.

1. SQL

Either ...

UPDATE core_config_data SET value = '1' WHERE path = 'dev/template/allow_symlink';

Or if entry does not exist ...

INSERT INTO core_config_data (config_id, scope, scope_id, path, value)
VALUES (NULL , 'default', '0', 'dev/template/allow_symlink', '1');

Note: Don't forget to add table prefix if you use one.

2. Script

Or run this from magento root ...


Mage::getConfig()->saveConfig('dev/template/allow_symlink', '1', 'default', 0);

3. local.xml

Add another XML to app/etc/ directory like local.SUPEE-9767.xml to override local.xml.

<?xml version="1.0"?>

4. "Module"

Create a mini "extension" with this system.xml to bring back config option to admin backend:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Add an empty class for backend_model to enable save config value. Thanks to @colinmollenhour, instead of an empty class just reset backend model to parent.

Download: https://github.com/sreichel/magento-StackExchange_AllowSymlink

다른 팁

The simplest way is to use n98-magerun which is a very useful command line dev tool for Magento

Toggle symlinks on or off for all store views with

n98-magerun.phar dev:symlinks 0

To check if symlinks are enabled use

n98-magerun.phar config:dump | grep symlink

IN patch 9767 v2

Below code Updated in file


--- app/code/core/Mage/Core/etc/system.xml
+++ app/code/core/Mage/Core/etc/system.xml
@@ -601,18 +601,19 @@
                 <label>Template Settings</label>
-                    <show_in_default>1</show_in_default>
-                    <show_in_website>1</show_in_website>
-                    <show_in_store>1</show_in_store>
+                    <show_in_default>0</show_in_default>
+                    <show_in_website>0</show_in_website>
+                    <show_in_store>0</show_in_store>
                     <allow_symlink translate="label comment">
                         <label>Allow Symlinks</label>
+                            <backend_model>adminhtml/system_config_backend_symlink</backend_model>
-                            <show_in_default>1</show_in_default>
-                            <show_in_website>1</show_in_website>
-                            <show_in_store>1</show_in_store>
+                            <show_in_default>0</show_in_default>
+                            <show_in_website>0</show_in_website>
+                            <show_in_store>0</show_in_store>
                         <comment>Warning! Enabling this feature is not recommended on production environments because it represents a potential security risk.</comment>

Just Update this field <show_in_default>0</show_in_default> to 1

and you will see that setting again

Once you done revert this file

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