
I have create database table and want to create model,resource,Collection class and know that how to create.

Have follow the blog https://www.softprodigy.com/store/article/create-model-and-collection-for-custom-table-in-magento2/

Now, my question if want use created model for API then

  • What classes and interface need to add my Model, Resource,Collection Class?
  • What API classes are need to write?
  • Should i create Factory class of those class?

In single word, how to write an standard Model class to Magento 2

Can any one give a brief and describe answer

도움이 되었습니까?

해결책 2

It got a reference answer from @kristof-at-fooman.

And he ask me to follow @Vinai Kopp blog.

How to implement service contract for a custom module in Magento 2?

On question Vinai have given a solid answer https://magento.stackexchange.com/a/160617/4564

So,we have to implement server contact for our module. If API, does not need then you don't need to create API point means webapi points.

다른 팁

There is very useful tool from Alan Storm named Pestle allowing you to generate all Magento 2 CRUD classes but also repository interface as well as implementation for your entity using:

pestle.phar generate_crud_model Pulsestorm_ToDoCrud TodoItem

Where Pulsestorm_ToDoCrud is name of your module, and TodoItem your new entity. I suggest you give this a try with version control in place allowing you to inspect each and every class.

Here is link to Pestle tool:


and here is link to article from Alan Storm explaining CRUD classes in M2 as well as usage of Pestle tool.


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