
Could anyine tell me what the preferred method is for giving a slider item a title when configuring Root.plist in XCode please? I have scoured all the documentation and played around with a dummy Root.plist file (including getting XCode to crash by changing values) but I can't see an obvious way of giving a slider a title. Thanks in advance, V.V.

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You can either set the header / footer text, or create a cell above it.

    <string>Slider Title</string>

다른 팁

More recent configuration -- place the following above your slider dict.

    <string>Your Title</string>

Source: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/PreferenceSettings/Conceptual/SettingsApplicationSchemaReference/Articles/PSGroupSpecifier.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007009-SW1

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