
I'm trying to implement a basic file server. I have been trying to use the sendfile command found here: http://linux.die.net/man/2/sendfile I'm using TCP.

I can have it send fine, but its sending in binary and I'm not sure if thats the hang up.

I am trying to receive the file with recv, but it isn't coming through correctly. Is there a special way to receive a binary file, and put it into a string?

EDIT: Asked to supply some code, here it is:

SENDFILE Call (from Server process)

FILE * file = fopen(filename,"rb");
    if ( file != NULL)   
        /*FILE EXISITS*/ 
        //Get file size (which is why we opened in binary)
        fseek(file, 0L, SEEK_END);
        int sz = ftell(file);

        //Send the file

RECIEVE Call (from Client process, even more basic than a loop, just want a single letter)

//recieve file
    char fileBuffer[1000];

EDIT: wrote some code for checking return values. sendfile is giving errno 9 - bad file number. Which im assuming is at my second file descriptor in the call (the one for the file i'm sending). I cast it as an int because sendfile was complaining it wasn't an int.

How should I use send file given the file pointer code I have used above in th sendfile call?

도움이 되었습니까?


You cannot use sendfile() with a FILE*, you need a file descriptor as given by open(), close() and friends. You cannot just cast a FILE* into an int and thinking it would work.

Maybe you should read the sendfile() manpage for more information.

다른 팁

There is no special way. You just receive with read() or recv().

Probably, you've got your receiving code wrong.

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