
Supposedly, the engine behind the iPhone's new Siri feature has been under development for several years (spawned from the CALO project). It is said that they even developed a new programming language specifically for it.

I can't find information about it anywhere. The only possible leads are academic papers, but I am not in an university network, so I don't have access to most of them.

Does anyone have any leads, examples, or even something vague as "it is similar to Prolog" or perhaps "it is a dialect of Lisp"?

도움이 되었습니까?


In terms of the Siri work, the direct predecessor ( http://www.sri.com/about/siri-timeline.html), the Personalized Assistant that Learns (PAL) Program, did produce an "agent-based language/framework" SPARK (not to be confused with SPARK Ada). They have publicly available documentation on it http://www.ai.sri.com/~spark/, https://pal.sri.com/CALOfiles/cstore/PAL-publications/calo/2005/IntrotoSPARK.pdf, and http://www.ai.sri.com/pubs/files/1023.pdf (and an Eclipse plugin, apparently). This is very different from a general-purpose programming language. The "language" is more of a language in the sense that it models a specific formalism for planning and knowledge representation (think semantic web rather than programming language). The framework itself is hosted in Python and sometimes Java.

다른 팁

From this blog post:

Siri has developed a new programming language and GUI for the API web. This is huge, although it’s too bad that it’s so early and so hidden.

There is a video in that blog post that shows the owner of the website interviewing two important figures from Siri, and they discuss what you asked about and much more.

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