
  • We are using Managed Meta data in SharePoint 2016 with Cross Site Publishing Feature.
  • And now client decided to move our SharePoint 2016 to SharePoint Online. I a doing POC to know the list of options including the tools(Sharegate,Metalogix) which are best suitable for migration and accomplish this feature.

Can any one please guide me in achieving this.

Thanks & Regards,


도움이 되었습니까?


To migrate managed metadata from SharePoint 2016 to SharePoint online, you could export the metadata to CSV file in SharePoint 2016 and import the metadata from the CSV file in SharePoint online.

For more detailed information, refer to the articles below.

Export SharePoint MetaData to CSV along with their Guids.

PowerShell for SharePoint 2013: Export TermSet to CSV.

Import term sets.

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