
I updated the "Default Link Type" to "Direct"(Specific People) both at Tenant level and site level.

At Tenant level, I updated using the URL: https://Tenant-admin.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/online/ExternalSharing.aspx

At site level, I updated using the PS Script : Set-SPOsite -Identity SiteURL -DefaultSharingLinkType Direct

But still when I go to a document library in that site --> select any document --> clicked on "copy Link" ,it shows "People with existing access" as the default value instead of "Specific People"

How to fix this?

enter image description here

도움이 되었습니까?


If DefaultLinkToExistingAccess is set to TRUE, the DefaultSharingLinkType will be overriden and the default sharing link will be a People with Existing Access.

Execute the following:

Set-sposite -Identity SiteURL -DefaultLinkToExistingAccess $false
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