
After installing the latest Cumulative Update for SharePoint 2016, I tried to upgrade content database but It gives an error each time.

100.00% : SPContentDatabase Name=WSS_Content Finalizing the upgrade...

Upgrade-SPContentDatabase : Invalid column name 'TS_LINE_ADDED_IN_TS'. Invalid column name 'TS_LINE_ADDED_IN_TS'. At line:1 char:1 + Upgrade-SPContentDatabase -Identity fe2d6c65-a1d0-49cc-b154-75433ede7 ... + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (Microsoft.Share...ContentDatabase:SPCmdletUpgradeContentDatabase) [Upgrade -SPContentDatabase], SqlException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell.SPCmdletUpgradeContentDatabase

Have you ever faced with a like that issue before?

도움이 되었습니까?


Try to do the following:

  • Dismount the content database which has the "Invalid Column" issue.
  • Run the SharePoint Configuration Wizard to get the farm patched successfully.
  • Mount the unmounted database again,
  • Then run the below cmdlet

    Get-SPContentDatabase –Identity WSS_Content_Name | Upgrade-SPContentDatabase

For more details, Please Check

다른 팁

To resolve this issue, you need to upgrade the content database to match the version of the rest of the farm using the PowerShell cmdlet "Upgrade-SPContentDatabase".

Upgrade-SPContentDatabase -Identity <database>
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