
I have been working on the task of removing the Expired invites From the Access Request List present in the SharePoint with the help of MS Flow. As I need to get the list in the MS Flow SharePoint Connector "Get Items" but the List is not available to use in the connector. I have tried to get the list with the help of the name of the list but it give me an error that says :

"status": 400, "message": "The required field \"Permission Level Requested\" data type is not supported\r\nclientRequestId: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx\r\nserviceRequestId: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx" }

Is there any way to resolve this error to get access to the Access Request List.

Can someone suggest me any other way to get access to the access request list with the help of flow or with minimum coding requirements and then delete the expired invites.

Thanks in advance.

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