
The closest question I could find to my sitionation is here, however the answers do not solve my issue Customize forms option (PowerApps) not showing up in SharePoint Online List

I am working with Sharepoint online, Win 10, MS Edge. I have a list named "Sales Contacts", the list columns were created from core site columns group "Core Contact and Calendar Columns".

I tried the save as list template suggestion and you can see that in both the original and test list the same result. pa no form1 pa no form2

Any additional suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

도움이 되었습니까?


Custom forms for lists are only supported in generic lists and generic document libraries. Custom list and library templates are currently not supported; including but not limited to lists such as Announcements, Contacts and Tasks.

Please ensure the list template is custom list and not Contacts as shown below:

enter image description here enter image description here




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