
Is there a way to develop an ALV-alike Web Dynpro component? If yes can someone show me a link, an article or Google search keywords about how-to?

[update] Thank you 4 ur replies. But I am asking how to develop my own alv, not how to use ALV.

도움이 되었습니까?


I believe you won't find any how-to develop an ALV-like Web Dynpro component, but you can always check the code of standard WD List Viewer at SALV_WD_TABLE component.

You may want to check the customcontroller interface methods to get an overview of how the table data arrives for the component, and after that check the dynamic table creation.

다른 팁

SAP provided ALV for web dynpro abap. Here is the first link I've found:


Use the official SAP List Viewer component which is documented here.

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