
I've been getting the "there was internal api error" message in Xcode and I've finally figured out what the problem was. Apps run with the same bundle identifier will result in this error.

Turns out that the apps aren't being deleted in Organizer. When I delete them, they disappear. But when I quit Xcode, reopen, enter organizer, the applications are still there.

Are these Applications stored in Xcode or on my iDevice? Can I go in and manually remove them? What directory?

Has anyone had this problem? Solutions?

도움이 되었습니까?


In Xcode 4 you can delete an archived application manually. Right click on it, Show in Finder, remove it as any other folder. Xcode will detect the deletion and update the list of archived apps.

Archives are just bundles with .xcarchive extension under ${HOME}/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives. They are organized in folders by date (like 2011-11-11). You can look inside using Show Package Contents menu item, like any other bundle.

다른 팁

XCode 8

You need to clear out this folder. It is where Xcode app archives are stored.


It will also save space on your hard drive. I found that I had upwards of 200 GB of app archives lol.

  1. Open Terminal, then goto this folder: cd ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives

  2. Perform delete all folders and files: rm -rf *

You may need root permission to perform delete.

I had a similar problem, which turned out to be caused by my having an older version of the same app loaded to my test iPhone. I forgot to delete it before I load the newer version. Once I deleted the old version from the iPhone, it runs just fine.

The "There was internal api error" message box also appears when your Apple Developer member certificate expired recently, and you're trying to run a codesigned app on to your device, and it already exists on the device.

Then, when you delete the app from the device you get the "no valid codesign certificate" message. Then you realize the above, and fix your certificate (and provisioning profile) and then things work again.

At least, that's what happened to me today. ;)

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