
We devided all the products into two categories:

  • "Main products"
  • "Accessories"

All listed products from the category "Main products" are opened with our custom template: catalog/product/view_main_producs.phtml

Here it comes the tricky part :)

All products from the category "Accessories" needs to be opened with different custom template catalog/product/view_accessories.phtml, because the products from this category have different attributes.

In some way we managed (partly) to acchive this with the following lines of code:

<reference name="product.info">
<action method="setTemplate"> <template>catalog/product/view_accessories.phtml</template></action>

We inserted the above code into "Accessories" category Custom Design -> Custom Layout Update

With the above code we managed to open products from category "Accessories" into on our custom view_accessories.phtml template!

Here is what is the problem. Above code only works if a person came to our web site through the links on our web site.

Now we have two issues:

  1. If person come to our web site and search for accessories products (search toolbar), the product will not be opened in view_accessories.phtml template!
  2. If person click on the products while searching for it on google, bing (SEO search), the product will not be opend in "view_accessories.phtml"!

Our question is: how to achieve for all products from "accessories" category to be opened in "view_acccessories.phtml" - no matter how come the person access the link?

Thanks in advenced :)

도움이 되었습니까?


Try following way:


<?xml version="1.0"?>


<?xml version="1.0"?>



class SR_MagentoCommunity_Model_Observer

    public function controllerActionLayoutRenderBeforeCatalogProductView(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
        $layout = Mage::getSingleton('core/layout');
        $request = Mage::app()->getRequest();
        $productId  = (int) $request->getParam('id');
        /** @var Mage_Catalog_Model_Product $product */
        $product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')
        $categoryIds = $product->getCategoryIds();
        // suppose 14 is your category id
        if (in_array(14, $categoryIds)) {
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