
According to Microformats we have very strict format for microformats. First of all there is a minor difference between Microformats-hReview and Google-hReview. How is this important?

Except for this, my problem is using Microformats in already written code, initially the code wasn't written in Microformat (hReview) style, so there is a lack of many attributes, this means that I can't use hReview with all attributes as is.

But despite of this, can I use hReview with hidden attributes like class="rating", because I don't have it on the page, but I do want it to be indexed.

Can I mix tags of hReview with another tags?

도움이 되었습니까?


In my opinion (as a long term follower of all this stuff), I'd mark it up using the info at http://schema.org/Review instead. Just use meta elements for anything that isn't in the design but that you'd like to show.

Use the http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/richsnippets tool to check what Google can see.

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