
Hi I want to prepare a SharePoint 2016 Intranet farm with Workflow manager, Now I have 2 Servers, and I have plan to use one for SharePoint 2016 and Second for Workflow manager. My question is later can I install SharePoint on Second workflow manager server if it required?

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The Workflow Manager can be deployed as a part of a SharePoint farm or as a separate farm.

In your case, you should think about 2 things:

  1. Performance.

    • If you are thinking about performance, so I would recommend installing it on a separate farm, and no need to install sharepoint on this server.
  2. High availability.

    • If you are thinking about SharePoint farm High availability, so I would recommend installing SharePoint on both servers, then install the workflow manager as a part of this farm.

Note: the supported Workflow Manager topology consists of 1 server or 3 servers for high availability. (No need to install SharePoint on WF farm)

To install WF manager, Check the detailed steps at

다른 팁

Workflow manager can be installed on the same server as SharePoint or on a dedicated server:

Install and configure workflow for SharePoint Server

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