
We have dedicated WF Farm (3 WF Servers - WF1, WF2, WF3) for our SharePoint environment. The WF certificate was expired. So we have panned to update the WF certificate steps are followed by this reference URL. I have changed the server time as mention in the 1st step. then while proceeding 2nd step "Get-WFFarm" cmdlet threw an exception "The type initializer for "System.Data.SQLClient.SQLConnection Configuring system failed to initialize" only in WF1 server on other 2 servers (WF2 and WF3) this cmdlet was ran successfully without exception.

Can anyone help me this.

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The problem was solved, the problem was with my powershell.exe.config file it has incorrect assembly binding. so i ran Get-WFFarm command in powershell ise with WFM Run-AS account. Then it was worked.

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