
We track search terms in our adwords campaigns by appending urls with the relevant terms (utm_term, utm_source, etc). This means we can see the search terms within the submitted form and tag them to that visitor. Its really handy for tracking conversions and linking them to revenue for that particular customer.

I can't figure out how to do this for organic search terms? And also for visitors who don't follow the exact conversion funnel. E.g. they hit our landing page but then go wandering through the site, lose the appended terms on the URL and then submit a form.

Do I need to use cookies? Or a tracking script? Or a service like kissmetrics?

도움이 되었습니까?


Those parametrs are already written in user's browser cookies by GA tracing code. Try reaching your website from different channels and looking at __utm cookies in your browser. Since they're made by your website you can pass them through your form via hidden fields.

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