
enter image description here

enter image description here

In both the above images, the size

(Twin XL,Twin, Full, etc)

is selected and the above size of the product changes dynamically as (39x80x12),(54x75x12).

I tried to make changes in the configurable.php, wrapper.phtml, renderer.phtml and also in the configurable.js but I couldn't get a solution for this. Is theres a way to make it possible to display the size dynamically based on the drop down of size?

도움이 되었습니까?


you need to override configurable.js file in your theme


 * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * See COPYING.txt for license details.
 * @api
], function ($, _, mageTemplate, $t, priceUtils, url) {
    'use strict';

    $.widget('mage.configurable', {
        options: {
            superSelector: '.super-attribute-select',
            selectSimpleProduct: '[name="selected_configurable_option"]',
            priceHolderSelector: '.price-box',
            spConfig: {},
            state: {},
            priceFormat: {},
            optionTemplate: '<%- data.label %>' +
            '<% if (typeof data.finalPrice.value !== "undefined") { %>' +
            ' <%- data.finalPrice.formatted %>' +
            '<% } %>',
            mediaGallerySelector: '[data-gallery-role=gallery-placeholder]',
            mediaGalleryInitial: null,
            slyOldPriceSelector: '.sly-old-price',
            normalPriceLabelSelector: '.normal-price .price-label',

             * Defines the mechanism of how images of a gallery should be
             * updated when user switches between configurations of a product.
             * As for now value of this option can be either 'replace' or 'prepend'.
             * @type {String}
            gallerySwitchStrategy: 'replace',
            tierPriceTemplateSelector: '#tier-prices-template',
            tierPriceBlockSelector: '[data-role="tier-price-block"]',
            tierPriceTemplate: ''

         * Creates widget
         * @private
        _create: function () {
            // Initial setting of various option values

            // Override defaults with URL query parameters and/or inputs values

            // Change events to check select reloads

            // Fill state

            // Setup child and prev/next settings

            // Setup/configure values to inputs


         * Initialize tax configuration, initial settings, and options values.
         * @private
        _initializeOptions: function () {
            var options = this.options,
                gallery = $(options.mediaGallerySelector),
                priceBoxOptions = $(this.options.priceHolderSelector).priceBox('option').priceConfig || null;

            if (priceBoxOptions && priceBoxOptions.optionTemplate) {
                options.optionTemplate = priceBoxOptions.optionTemplate;

            if (priceBoxOptions && priceBoxOptions.priceFormat) {
                options.priceFormat = priceBoxOptions.priceFormat;
            options.optionTemplate = mageTemplate(options.optionTemplate);
            options.tierPriceTemplate = $(this.options.tierPriceTemplateSelector).html();

            options.settings = options.spConfig.containerId ?
                $(options.spConfig.containerId).find(options.superSelector) :

            options.values = options.spConfig.defaultValues || {};
            options.parentImage = $('[data-role=base-image-container] img').attr('src');

            this.inputSimpleProduct = this.element.find(options.selectSimpleProduct);

            gallery.data('gallery') ?
                this._onGalleryLoaded(gallery) :
                gallery.on('gallery:loaded', this._onGalleryLoaded.bind(this, gallery));


         * Override default options values settings with either URL query parameters or
         * initialized inputs values.
         * @private
        _overrideDefaults: function () {
            var hashIndex = window.location.href.indexOf('#');

            if (hashIndex !== -1) {
                this._parseQueryParams(window.location.href.substr(hashIndex + 1));

            if (this.options.spConfig.inputsInitialized) {

         * Parse query parameters from a query string and set options values based on the
         * key value pairs of the parameters.
         * @param {*} queryString - URL query string containing query parameters.
         * @private
        _parseQueryParams: function (queryString) {
            var queryParams = $.parseQuery({
                query: queryString

            $.each(queryParams, $.proxy(function (key, value) {
                this.options.values[key] = value;
            }, this));

         * Override default options values with values based on each element's attribute
         * identifier.
         * @private
        _setValuesByAttribute: function () {
            this.options.values = {};
            $.each(this.options.settings, $.proxy(function (index, element) {
                var attributeId;

                if (element.value) {
                    attributeId = element.id.replace(/[a-z]*/, '');
                    this.options.values[attributeId] = element.value;
            }, this));

         * Set up .on('change') events for each option element to configure the option.
         * @private
        _setupChangeEvents: function () {
            $.each(this.options.settings, $.proxy(function (index, element) {
                $(element).on('change', this, this._configure);
            }, this));

         * Iterate through the option settings and set each option's element configuration,
         * attribute identifier. Set the state based on the attribute identifier.
         * @private
        _fillState: function () {
            $.each(this.options.settings, $.proxy(function (index, element) {
                var attributeId = element.id.replace(/[a-z]*/, '');

                if (attributeId && this.options.spConfig.attributes[attributeId]) {
                    element.config = this.options.spConfig.attributes[attributeId];
                    element.attributeId = attributeId;
                    this.options.state[attributeId] = false;
            }, this));

         * Set each option's child settings, and next/prev option setting. Fill (initialize)
         * an option's list of selections as needed or disable an option's setting.
         * @private
        _setChildSettings: function () {
            var childSettings = [],
                settings = this.options.settings,
                index = settings.length,

            while (index--) {
                option = settings[index];

                if (index) {
                    option.disabled = true;
                } else {

                _.extend(option, {
                    childSettings: childSettings.slice(),
                    prevSetting: settings[index - 1],
                    nextSetting: settings[index + 1]


         * Setup for all configurable option settings. Set the value of the option and configure
         * the option, which sets its state, and initializes the option's choices, etc.
         * @private
        _configureForValues: function () {
            if (this.options.values) {
                this.options.settings.each($.proxy(function (index, element) {
                    var attributeId = element.attributeId;

                    element.value = this.options.values[attributeId] || '';
                }, this));

         * Event handler for configuring an option.
         * @private
         * @param {Object} event - Event triggered to configure an option.
        _configure: function (event) {

         * Configure an option, initializing it's state and enabling related options, which
         * populates the related option's selection and resets child option selections.
         * @private
         * @param {*} element - The element associated with a configurable option.
        _configureElement: function (element) {
            this.simpleProduct = this._getSimpleProductId(element);

            if (element.value) {
                this.options.state[element.config.id] = element.value;

                if (element.nextSetting) {
                    element.nextSetting.disabled = false;
                } else {
                    if (!!document.documentMode) { //eslint-disable-line
                    } else {
            } else {

            if(this.simpleProduct) {

        _loadDescription: function (productId) {
            var data = {'productId': productId};
            var ajaxurl = url.build('description/description/index');
                showLoader: true,
                data: data,
                success: function(data) {
                    if(data.success) {
                        if($('#description .product.attribute.description').length){
                            if ($("body").hasClass("catalog-product-view")) {
                                $('#description .product.attribute.description .value').html(data.description);

         * Change displayed product image according to chosen options of configurable product
         * @private
        _changeProductImage: function () {
            var images,
                initialImages = this.options.mediaGalleryInitial,
                galleryObject = $(this.options.mediaGallerySelector).data('gallery');

            if (!galleryObject) {

            images = this.options.spConfig.images[this.simpleProduct];

            if (images) {
                images = this._sortImages(images);

                if (this.options.gallerySwitchStrategy === 'prepend') {
                    images = images.concat(initialImages);

                images = $.extend(true, [], images);
                images = this._setImageIndex(images);


                    selectedOption: this.simpleProduct,
                    dataMergeStrategy: this.options.gallerySwitchStrategy
            } else {


         * Sorting images array
         * @private
        _sortImages: function (images) {
            return _.sortBy(images, function (image) {
                return image.position;

         * Set correct indexes for image set.
         * @param {Array} images
         * @private
        _setImageIndex: function (images) {
            var length = images.length,

            for (i = 0; length > i; i++) {
                images[i].i = i + 1;

            return images;

         * For a given option element, reset all of its selectable options. Clear any selected
         * index, disable the option choice, and reset the option's state if necessary.
         * @private
         * @param {*} element - The element associated with a configurable option.
        _resetChildren: function (element) {
            if (element.childSettings) {
                _.each(element.childSettings, function (set) {
                    set.selectedIndex = 0;
                    set.disabled = true;

                if (element.config) {
                    this.options.state[element.config.id] = false;

         * Populates an option's selectable choices.
         * @private
         * @param {*} element - Element associated with a configurable option.
        _fillSelect: function (element) {
            var attributeId = element.id.replace(/[a-z]*/, ''),
                options = this._getAttributeOptions(attributeId),
                index = 1,
                basePrice = parseFloat(this.options.spConfig.prices.basePrice.amount),
                optionPrices = this.options.spConfig.optionPrices,

            element.options[0] = new Option('', '');
            element.options[0].innerHTML = this.options.spConfig.chooseText;
            prevConfig = false;

            if (element.prevSetting) {
                prevConfig = element.prevSetting.options[element.prevSetting.selectedIndex];

            if (options) {
                for (i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
                    allowedProducts = [];
                    optionPriceDiff = 0;

                    /* eslint-disable max-depth */
                    if (prevConfig) {
                        for (j = 0; j < options[i].products.length; j++) {
                            // prevConfig.config can be undefined
                            if (prevConfig.config &&
                                prevConfig.config.allowedProducts &&
                                prevConfig.config.allowedProducts.indexOf(options[i].products[j]) > -1) {
                    } else {
                        allowedProducts = options[i].products.slice(0);

                        if (typeof allowedProducts[0] !== 'undefined' &&
                            typeof optionPrices[allowedProducts[0]] !== 'undefined') {
                            allowedProductMinPrice = this._getAllowedProductWithMinPrice(allowedProducts);
                            optionFinalPrice = parseFloat(optionPrices[allowedProductMinPrice].finalPrice.amount);
                            optionPriceDiff = optionFinalPrice - basePrice;

                            if (optionPriceDiff !== 0) {
                                options[i].label = options[i].label + ' ' + priceUtils.formatPrice(

                    if (allowedProducts.length > 0) {
                        options[i].allowedProducts = allowedProducts;
                        element.options[index] = new Option(this._getOptionLabel(options[i]), options[i].id);

                        if (typeof options[i].price !== 'undefined') {
                            element.options[index].setAttribute('price', options[i].price);

                        element.options[index].config = options[i];

                    /* eslint-enable max-depth */

         * Generate the label associated with a configurable option. This includes the option's
         * label or value and the option's price.
         * @private
         * @param {*} option - A single choice among a group of choices for a configurable option.
         * @return {String} The option label with option value and price (e.g. Black +1.99)
        _getOptionLabel: function (option) {
            return option.label;

         * Removes an option's selections.
         * @private
         * @param {*} element - The element associated with a configurable option.
        _clearSelect: function (element) {
            var i;

            for (i = element.options.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

         * Retrieve the attribute options associated with a specific attribute Id.
         * @private
         * @param {Number} attributeId - The id of the attribute whose configurable options are sought.
         * @return {Object} Object containing the attribute options.
        _getAttributeOptions: function (attributeId) {
            if (this.options.spConfig.attributes[attributeId]) {
                return this.options.spConfig.attributes[attributeId].options;

         * Reload the price of the configurable product incorporating the prices of all of the
         * configurable product's option selections.
        _reloadPrice: function () {
            $(this.options.priceHolderSelector).trigger('updatePrice', this._getPrices());

         * Get product various prices
         * @returns {{}}
         * @private
        _getPrices: function () {
            var prices = {},
                elements = _.toArray(this.options.settings),

            _.each(elements, function (element) {
                var selected = element.options[element.selectedIndex],
                    config = selected && selected.config,
                    priceValue = {};

                if (config && config.allowedProducts.length === 1) {
                    priceValue = this._calculatePrice(config);
                } else if (element.value) {
                    allowedProduct = this._getAllowedProductWithMinPrice(config.allowedProducts);
                    priceValue = this._calculatePrice({
                        'allowedProducts': [

                if (!_.isEmpty(priceValue)) {
                    prices.prices = priceValue;
            }, this);

            return prices;

         * Get product with minimum price from selected options.
         * @param {Array} allowedProducts
         * @returns {String}
         * @private
        _getAllowedProductWithMinPrice: function (allowedProducts) {
            var optionPrices = this.options.spConfig.optionPrices,
                product = {},
                optionMinPrice, optionFinalPrice;

            _.each(allowedProducts, function (allowedProduct) {
                optionFinalPrice = parseFloat(optionPrices[allowedProduct].finalPrice.amount);

                if (_.isEmpty(product) || optionFinalPrice < optionMinPrice) {
                    optionMinPrice = optionFinalPrice;
                    product = allowedProduct;
            }, this);

            return product;

         * Returns prices for configured products
         * @param {*} config - Products configuration
         * @returns {*}
         * @private
        _calculatePrice: function (config) {
            var displayPrices = $(this.options.priceHolderSelector).priceBox('option').prices,
                newPrices = this.options.spConfig.optionPrices[_.first(config.allowedProducts)];

            _.each(displayPrices, function (price, code) {
                if (newPrices[code]) {
                    displayPrices[code].amount = newPrices[code].amount - displayPrices[code].amount;

            return displayPrices;

         * Returns Simple product Id
         *  depending on current selected option.
         * @private
         * @param {HTMLElement} element
         * @returns {String|undefined}
        _getSimpleProductId: function (element) {
            // TODO: Rewrite algorithm. It should return ID of
            //        simple product based on selected options.
            var allOptions = element.config.options,
                value = element.value,

            config = _.filter(allOptions, function (option) {
                return option.id === value;
            config = _.first(config);

            return _.isEmpty(config) ?
                undefined :


         * Show or hide regular price block
         * @param {*} optionId
         * @private
        _displayRegularPriceBlock: function (optionId) {
            var shouldBeShown = true;

            _.each(this.options.settings, function (element) {
                if (element.value === '') {
                    shouldBeShown = false;

            if (shouldBeShown &&
                this.options.spConfig.optionPrices[optionId].oldPrice.amount !==
            ) {
            } else {


         * Show or hide normal price label
         * @private
        _displayNormalPriceLabel: function () {
            var shouldBeShown = false;

            _.each(this.options.settings, function (element) {
                if (element.value === '') {
                    shouldBeShown = true;

            if (shouldBeShown) {
            } else {

         * Callback which fired after gallery gets initialized.
         * @param {HTMLElement} element - DOM element associated with gallery.
        _onGalleryLoaded: function (element) {
            var galleryObject = element.data('gallery');

            this.options.mediaGalleryInitial = galleryObject.returnCurrentImages();

         * Show or hide tier price block
         * @param {*} optionId
         * @private
        _displayTierPriceBlock: function (optionId) {
            var options, tierPriceHtml;

            if (typeof optionId != 'undefined' &&
                this.options.spConfig.optionPrices[optionId].tierPrices != [] // eslint-disable-line eqeqeq
            ) {
                options = this.options.spConfig.optionPrices[optionId];

                if (this.options.tierPriceTemplate) {
                    tierPriceHtml = mageTemplate(this.options.tierPriceTemplate, {
                        'tierPrices': options.tierPrices,
                        '$t': $t,
                        'currencyFormat': this.options.spConfig.currencyFormat,
                        'priceUtils': priceUtils
            } else {

    return $.mage.configurable;

Download module from this link Description and install module and run all command and check

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