
I'm currently trying to add the resulting XML (xmlResult) to a textbox that is on the stage. I did try using MovieClip(root).[instancename].text = ..... however it didn't work - null object reference? Any suggestions? Thanks!

package  {

public class ChatHistory extends MovieClip {

    public function ChatHistory()
    public function getChatText() {
          var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
          loader.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, requestComplete);
          var requestURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://localhost:80/chathistory.xml");
          requestURL.method = URLRequestMethod.GET;

    private function requestComplete( event:Event ):void {
      try {
        var xmlResult:XML = new XML(event.target.data);
      } catch ( e:TypeError ) {
도움이 되었습니까?


I tried this and it worked, perhaps this can enlighten you:

import flash.text.TextField;
import ik_fla.MainTimeline;

TextField(MainTimeline(stage.getChildAt(0)).getChildByName('myTxt')).text = "weeee";

or you can avoid imports by using Object cast instead:

Object(Object(stage.getChildAt(0)).getChildByName('myTxt')).text = "weeee";
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