
As a test I created 3 simple products and associated them with a grouped product.

I enabled qty increments for the grouped product and set the allowed increment.

The system allows you to add product quantities to the cart that do not meet the increment rule.

I also tested this with a configurable product (using the same 3 simples) and in this case it worked as expected.

Does anyone know if this is a known issue? Or if there are any work arounds for it?

IS there any configuration need to be done for his through admin panel?

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could you please share me your code i also implemented code for quantity increment and decrement for grouped products but in my case all are working fine but when i click on increment or decrement it is applying to all products in that group please find my code here https://drive.google.com/open?id=1aY-ANcC1pL0j1P33ANZFGwXnXMoldkaO

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