
i try to install this extension :


i do all steps, and when go to my site i see error 500.

the message of error :

[24-Jun-2019 08:04:59 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Class 'MGS\Core\Helper\Data' not found in /home/pt1byfxrpoja/public_html/app/code/MGS/Fbuilder/Helper/Data.php on line 15

I go to file Data.php and i see this 15:

class Data extends \MGS\Core\Helper\Data

Its true, but see error ,,, where is problem ?

도움이 되었습니까?


Your class\MGS\Core\Helper\Data exists in the file but there is no such a file Data.php exist in your path \MGS\Core\Helper\Data see in your directory Data.php is existed under \MGS\Core\Helper\Data` path?


You got this error because you have not installed the MGS_Core extension. and your extension MGS_Fbuilder class extends class Data extends \MGS\Core\Helper\Data so that class not found.

So basically your extension MGS_Fbuilder dependent on MGS_Core extension. just install MGS_Core extension. your error will be solved.


Maybe there is default extension issue I found the solution for that Check this link

I hope it helps!

다른 팁

You are getting this error you have not installed the MGS_Core module with MGS_Fbuilder.

To install MGS_Core module goto the below link:


And install it and then check if everything works.

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