
After upgrade breadcrumbs from product page disappear. As suggested, I have updated my breadcrumbs.js but still not showing. Only displaying code like below.

<div class="breadcrumbs" data-mage-init='{
    "breadcrumbs": {
        "categoryUrlSuffix": ".html",
        "useCategoryPathInUrl": 0,
        "product": "Aquasure Dash Series Countertop Drinking  Water System with Micro-Ceramic Filtration"
도움이 되었습니까?


I had faced the same issue but its resolved. Please check the below link.

Breadcrumbs not working on Product Page Magento 2.2.4

다른 팁

It's still possible to activate the classic breadcrumb. Just put these lines into your layout-xml:

<referenceBlock name="breadcrumbs" template="Magento_Theme::html/breadcrumbs.phtml" />
<block class="Magento\Catalog\Block\Breadcrumbs" />
  1. The first line sets the template which is used on non-product-pages.
  2. The second line instantiates the given block class which adds the breadcrumb-paths to the first block.

Just overwrite the Plugin


<config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:ObjectManager/etc/config.xsd">
    <type name="Magento\Catalog\Controller\Product\View">
        <plugin name="custom_product_breadcrumbs" type="Vendor\Module\Plugin\Product\View" sortOrder="1"/>



namespace Vendor\Module\Plugin\Product;

use Magento\Catalog\Controller\Product\View as MagentoView;
use Magento\Catalog\Model\Product;
use Magento\Framework\View\Result\PageFactory;
use Magento\Store\Model\StoreManager;
use Magento\Framework\Registry;
use Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException;
use Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Category\Collection;
use Magento\Framework\View\Result\Page;

class View

     * @var Product
    protected $product;
     * @var StoreManager
    protected $storeManager;
     * @var Registry
    protected $registry;
     * @var Collection
    protected $collection;
     * @var PageFactory
    private $resultPage;

     * View constructor.
     * @param StoreManager $storeManager
     * @param Registry $registry
     * @param Collection $collection
     * @param PageFactory $resultPage
    public function __construct(
        StoreManager $storeManager,
        Registry $registry,
        Collection $collection,
        PageFactory $resultPage)
        $this->storeManager = $storeManager;
        $this->registry = $registry;
        $this->collection = $collection;
        $this->resultPage = $resultPage;

    public function afterExecute(MagentoView $subject, $result)
        if(!$result instanceof Page){
            return $result;

        $resultPage = $this->resultPage->create();
        $breadcrumbsBlock = $resultPage->getLayout()->getBlock('breadcrumbs');
        if(!$breadcrumbsBlock || !isset($breadcrumbsBlock)){
            return $result;

                'label' => __('Home'),
                'title' => __('Go to Home Page'),
                'link' => $this->storeManager->getStore()->getBaseUrl()

        try {
            $product = $this->getProduct();
        } catch (LocalizedException $e) {
            return $result;


        if(null == $product->getCategory() || null == $product->getCategory()->getPath()){
                    'label' => $product->getName(),
                    'title' => $product->getName(),
            return $result;

        $categories = $product->getCategory()->getPath();
        $categoriesids = explode('/', $categories);

        $categoriesCollection = null;
        try {
            $categoriesCollection = $this->collection
                ->addFieldToFilter('entity_id', array('in' => $categoriesids))
        } catch (LocalizedException $e) {
            return $result;

        foreach ($categoriesCollection->getItems() as $category) {
            if ($category->getIsActive() && $category->isInRootCategoryList()) {
                $categoryId = $category->getId();
                $path = [
                    'label' => $category->getName(),
                    'link' => $category->getUrl() ? $category->getUrl() : ''
                $breadcrumbsBlock->addCrumb('category' . $categoryId, $path);

                'label' => $product->getName(),
                'title' => $product->getName(),

        return $result;

     * @return Product
     * @throws LocalizedException
    public function getProduct()
        if (is_null($this->product)) {
            $this->product = $this->registry->registry('product');

            if (!$this->product->getId()) {
                throw new LocalizedException(__('Failed to initializing product'));

        return $this->product;

Create file:


Add this jquery

], function ($, breadcrumbList) {
    'use strict';

    return function (widget) {
        $.widget('mage.breadcrumbs', widget, {
            options: {
                categoryUrlSuffix: '',
                useCategoryPathInUrl: false,
                product: '',
                menuContainer: '[data-action="navigation"] > ul'

            /** @inheritdoc */
            _render: function () {

             * Append category and product crumbs.
             * @private
            _appendCatalogCrumbs: function () {
                var categoryCrumbs = this._resolveCategoryCrumbs();

                categoryCrumbs.forEach(function (crumbInfo) {

                if (this.options.product) {

             * Resolve categories crumbs.
             * @return Array
             * @private
            _resolveCategoryCrumbs: function () {
                var menuItem = this._resolveCategoryMenuItem(),
                    categoryCrumbs = [];

                if (menuItem !== null && menuItem.length) {

                    while ((menuItem = this._getParentMenuItem(menuItem)) !== null) {

                return categoryCrumbs;

             * Returns crumb data.
             * @param {Object} menuItem
             * @return {Object}
             * @private
            _getCategoryCrumb: function (menuItem) {
                var categoryId,

                categoryId = /(\d+)/i.exec(menuItem.attr('id'))[0];
                categoryName = menuItem.text();
                categoryUrl = menuItem.attr('href');

                return {
                    'name': 'category',
                    'label': menuItem.text(),
                    'link': menuItem.attr('href'),
                    'title': ''

             * Returns product crumb.
             * @return {Object}
             * @private
            _getProductCrumb: function () {
                return {
                    'name': 'product',
                    'label': this.options.product,
                    'link': '',
                    'title': ''

             * Find parent menu item for current.
             * @param {Object} menuItem
             * @return {Object|null}
             * @private
            _getParentMenuItem: function (menuItem) {
                var classes,
                    parentMenuItem = null;

                if (!menuItem) {
                    return null;

                classes = menuItem.parent().attr('class');
                classNav = classes.match(/(nav\-)[0-9]+(\-[0-9]+)+/gi);

                if (classNav) {
                    classNav = classNav[0];
                    parentClass = classNav.substr(0, classNav.lastIndexOf('-'));

                    if (parentClass.lastIndexOf('-') !== -1) {
                        parentMenuItem = $(this.options.menuContainer).find('.' + parentClass + ' > a');
                        parentMenuItem = parentMenuItem.length ? parentMenuItem : null;

                return parentMenuItem;

             * Returns category menu item.
             * Tries to resolve category from url or from referrer as fallback and
             * find menu item from navigation menu by category url.
             * @return {Object|null}
             * @private
            _resolveCategoryMenuItem: function () {
                var categoryUrl = this._resolveCategoryUrl(),
                    menu = $(this.options.menuContainer),
                    categoryMenuItem = null;

                if (categoryUrl && menu.length) {
                    categoryMenuItem = menu.find('a[href="' + categoryUrl + '"]');

                return categoryMenuItem;

             * Returns category url.
             * @return {String}
             * @private
            _resolveCategoryUrl: function () {
                var categoryUrl;

                if (this.options.useCategoryPathInUrl) {
                    // In case category path is used in product url - resolve category url from current url.
                    categoryUrl = window.location.href.split('?')[0];
                    categoryUrl = categoryUrl.substring(0, categoryUrl.lastIndexOf('/')) +
                } else {
                    // In other case - try to resolve it from referrer (without parameters).
                    categoryUrl = document.referrer;

                    if (categoryUrl.indexOf('?') > 0) {
                        categoryUrl = categoryUrl.substr(0, categoryUrl.indexOf('?'));

                return categoryUrl;

        return $.mage.breadcrumbs;

and after run deploy Command:

1. php bin/magento setup:upgrade 
2. php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f

It's a known bug (actually a feature) that only comes up when you upgrade from 2.2.3 to 2.2.4 and have a non-standard topmenu (yes, you read right): https://github.com/magento/magento2/issues/15490

Workaround that worked for me: Magento2: breadcrumbs disappeared from product page after upgrading to 2.2.4

yes I saw that the issue caused by the cache when someone opens the product from the search or from a custom widget the product page will be opened without category breadcrumbs and as well will be cached as it

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