
I'm importing products using csv. Using default method of magento. My csv file is below.

testimport2,,Default,simple,Default Category/Kitchen Appliances,test import,"<ul><li>Shape: Tapered towards the point</li><li>Double cut, single cut and spiral cut</li><li>Uses: For filing holes, mouldings and half round grooves</ul>",File Round Bastard 100 mm Sleeve,1,1,Taxable Goods,"Catalog, Search",10,,,,testimport2,,,,sale.png,,sale.png,,sale.png,,,,,,,,Block after Info Column,,,,Use config,,,,,,,,,1000,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,10000,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1

Product import working properly but website Id is not assigned. So products not showing in frontend. Please suggest.

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Go to Admin panel select category menu in select all products,click the action in Update all attributes and click the checkbox and click the save button.

enter image description here

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