
I tried to edit the product special price date from admin with different locale and it showing issue with date format.

It is working properly with en_US locale. When I switch the locale to nl_NL, the day and year changed each other.

For example : If I selected 30/01/2020 and 01/01/2021 date in en_US locale.

It shows 20-01-2030 and 21-01-2001 in nl_NL locale. Also, I can correct the date and save again with nl_NL. It shows the same issue after save.

도움이 되었습니까?


if you are using RTL language then try to use this. it was very useful for me https://github.com/menacoders/rtl-datepicker-magento2 it will help you to solve RTL datepicker issue in magneto 2 dashboard.

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