
if I use implicit operator in non generic builder class every thing is ok:

 public class ReligionBuilder
    private Religion _religion;

    public ReligionBuilder()
        _religion = new Religion(){//some codes}


    public ReligionBuilder AddToRepository()
        return this;
    public Religion Build()
        return _religion;

    public static implicit operator Religion(ReligionBuilder _builder)
        return _builder.Build();


I can use it :

 Religion religion=new ReligionBuilder().AddToRepository();

but if this operator is in generic class something is wrong:

 public abstract class DataTestBuilderBase<T> : IDataTestBuilder<T>
    protected T TestData { get; set; }

    public virtual T Build()
        return TestData;

    public abstract IDataTestBuilder<T> AddToRepository();
    public abstract IDataTestBuilder<T> WithDefault();

    public static implicit operator T(DataTestBuilderBase<T> builder)
        return builder.Build();

 public class PersonDataTestBuilder : DataTestBuilderBase<Person>
    private Person _person;

    public PersonDataTestBuilder()
        //some codes
    public override IDataTestBuilder<Person> AddToRepository()
       //some codes
        return this;


 PersonDataTestBuilder _testBuilder = new PersonDataTestBuilder();
        Person person = _testBuilder.AddToRepository();

the error is :cannot convert IDataTestBuilder to Person

what is the problem?

도움이 되었습니까?


AddToRepository returns just IDataTestBuilder<Person> (in terms of the compile-time return type) - and there's no implicit conversion from that to Person. If you change the return type of the abstract method to DataTestBuilderBase<T> then it should work - although frankly I wouldn't want to use that implicit conversion anyway. I'm generally pretty cautious about providing implicit conversions - they can often make the code less clear, as I believe they do here.

Should you really be providing AddToRepository on a builder anyway? It feels like an inappropriate action for a builder - I would expect:

Person person = new PersonBuilder { /* properties */ }

EDIT: Just to show what I mean about changing the return type of AddToRepository, here's a short but complete program to demonstrate. It works fine.

using System;

public abstract class BuilderBase<T>
    public abstract T Build();
    public abstract BuilderBase<T> AddToRepository();

    public static implicit operator T(BuilderBase<T> builder)
        return builder.Build();

public class TestBuilder : BuilderBase<string>
    public override string Build()
        return "Built by Build()";

    public override BuilderBase<string> AddToRepository()
        return this;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        string x = new TestBuilder().AddToRepository();
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