
i have built a solution around google maps api but realized that it doesn't work when i deploy it to my intranet. after reading it seems like you need the premier service for this. Is there any other similar maps api tools that you can use free on your intranet website?

EDIT: from what i have read it seems like Yahoo allows you to use your free maps on intranets. can anyone confirm that you are doing this.

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해결책 2

I wound up using Yahoo maps as it seems to allow you to use it on your own intranet and its as easy as using google maps

다른 팁

I would investigate OpenStreetMap:

The catch is the data isn't always as accurate or complete, but coverage in major cities is good and the project keeps getting better.

You might also look into Microsoft and Yahoo! mapping licenses.

Stumbled upon Ovi Maps, a successor to Yahoo Maps as they are taking down their service. Looks quite interesting.

Yahoo taking down their service

Ovi Maps

Have a look at OpenLayers, which enables you to use a variety of different services (Google, OpenStreetMap, Bing etc).

I'm new to it myself, but have found the documentation here: http://docs.openlayers.org/library/index.html and here: http://workshops.opengeo.org/openlayers-intro/index.html very useful

If you want to go one step further, you can create your own tile server

You can easily get what you need from a site like this

You can also have a look at http://leafletjs.com/ . While Leaflet aims to be more lightweight than OpenLayers, OpenLayers is by far the more mature project.

See this Comparison between OpenLayers and Leaflet

You could Try pushpin by placebase http://www.pushpin.com/api/1.3/docs/

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